Paul Ryan’s Primary Opponent Asks ‘Why Do We Have Muslims in the Country?’
Benjamin Siegel, ABC News, August 4, 2016
House Speaker Paul Ryan’s primary opponent, who has gotten support from Donald Trump, suggested Monday that the United States have a “discussion” about deporting all Muslims from the United States.
“The question is, why do we have Muslims in the country?” conservative businessman Paul Nehlen said in a Monday radio interview with Chicago’s AM 560 “The Answer.”
Nehlen said that Muslims who believe in Sharia law are in “direct conflict” with the U.S. Constitution.
“If someone is supporting Sharia, that is doing something wrong,” he said.
“Are you suggesting that we deport all of the Muslims in this country?” asked radio host Dan Proft.
“I’m suggesting we have a discussion about it, that’s for sure,” Nehlen replied.
Referencing Newt Gingrich’s call for a religious test on all Muslims after the terror attacks on Nice, Nehlen also called for law enforcement to monitor “every mosque” in the United States.