Mandatory Math Tests for New Teachers Don’t Add Up, Critics Say August 29, 2019 Non-white teachers can’t pass the math tests.
Company to Remove Pro-Maxime Bernier Billboards That Criticize ‘Mass Immigration’ August 26, 2019 Billboard company will remove People's Party of Canada's ads.
Setting the Record Straight on the Benefits, and Heavy Costs, of Immigration to Canada August 22, 2019 The average recent immigrant imposes a "fiscal burden" of C$5,300 a year.
The Unbearable Whiteness of Weed: Canada’s Booming Cannabis Industry Has a Race Problem August 5, 2019 Money from the sale of marijuana is pouring into white hands, and that’s just not right.
Bernier Proposes Building Fences to Block ‘Irregular’ Border Crossers July 25, 2019 Conservative party leader wants a wall for Canada.
Indigenous Residents Forced to Cross Border to Reach Rest of Canada Seek $150M for ‘Systemic Discrimination’ July 18, 2019 “The situation has become intolerable for the people of Akwesasne."
Citizenship Question Causing an Uproar in U.S. Has Been Part of Canada’s Long-Form Census Since 1901 July 11, 2019 The information is “used to estimate the number of potential voters and to plan citizenship classes and programs.”
Majority of Canadians Against Accepting More Refugees, Poll Suggests July 5, 2019 They want more skilled laborers, not refugees.
Canada Among Top Countries for Racist Hiring in 9-Country Survey July 2, 2019 France and England top the list.
The Great ‘White’ North July 1, 2019 At its current rate, it will become a Third-World nation even before the United States does.
A Conversation with Richard Lynn June 21, 2019 Acute observations on race, immigration, eugenics, and the future of the West.
Canada Now Leads the World in Refugee Resettlement, Surpassing the U.S. June 20, 2019 28,000 as opposed to 23,000.
Quebec Bans Public-Sector Employees from Wearing Religious Garb June 18, 2019 Bill passes by a margin of 2 to 1.
Man Who Praised Quebec Mosque Shooter in Online Videos Gets 30 Days in Jail June 17, 2019 No free speech for Canadians.
‘Undemocratic and Unfair’: Liberals Accused of Rushing to Pass UN Indigenous Rights Declaration Bill June 14, 2019 Liberals have limited debate to five minutes per amendment.
Montreal Unveils Measures to Assist and Protect Undocumented Immigrants June 11, 2019 Starting in the fall, illegals can get a card which gives them access to municipal services.
Deaths of Indigenous Women ‘A Canadian Genocide’, Leaked Report Says June 3, 2019 Canadian government paid $67 million for the inquiry.
Scheer Vows to End ‘Illegal’ Border Crossings as Part of Immigration Policy Plan May 31, 2019 In the past two years, more than 43,000 asylum seekers have arrived in Canada illegally.
Committee on Diversity Says Montreal Must Change Hiring Practices Now May 20, 2019 “Anti-racism training” to be obligatory for city managers.
Human Chain Formed in Old Montreal to Protest Against Bill 21 May 7, 2019 The bill would ban teachers and judges from wearing a hijab.
Trudeau Defends Changes to Asylum Laws That Have Refugee Workers Alarmed April 10, 2019 Trudeau to “asylum seekers”: Stay in U.S.
Harmony Movement, Anti-Racism Group in Ontario, Shutting Down After 25 Years Due to Funding Cuts April 10, 2019 Group depended on tax money.
Religious Symbols: Teaching Career Slipping Away for Sikh Student March 29, 2019 Prohibiting public servants from wearing religious symbols on the job is “racist” and “discriminatory.”
We Must Stand Against White Supremacy March 26, 2019 "We must realize that white supremacy is a disease that is both worldwide and highly destructive."
Lawyer Threatened with Suspension over ‘Diversity’ Mandate Quits March 25, 2019 Canadian lawyers must pledge allegiance to "diversity" in order to practice.
Canada, U.S. in Talks to Close Loophole in Border Pact on Asylum Seekers March 21, 2019 40,000 “asylum seekers” have crossed into Canada at unauthorized points of entry.
Antifa “Terrorizes” Vancouver Greek-Orthodox Community into Cancelling Free Speech Event After Threats of Violence March 18, 2019 Event was to feature Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern.
Ontario Public Employees Suing Province over Alleged Anti-Black Racism March 15, 2019 They're also suing the unions that represent them.
Indian Day Schools Survivors to Be Compensated up to $200K March 14, 2019 The "start of a healing process"?
R Is for Reparations — Young Activists Speaking Their Truth March 13, 2019 "We will relentlessly resist. We will not rest. We require restitution."
Why We Need More Black Students in Canadian Law Schools March 13, 2019 The reasons the admissions offices give are “unacceptable.”
New Party Aims to Make Canada Great Again March 12, 2019 It hasn’t divided the conservative vote; it has added to it.
Right-Wing, White Supremacist Groups an Increasing Concern for Canadians: Goodale February 21, 2019 Minister for Public Safety blames the internet and wants more censorship of it.
Fort McMurray Hockey Team Forfeits Season After Backlash over ‘Disrespectful’ Video February 15, 2019 Another “rush to judgment based on out-of-context video clips.”
Quebec Status of Women Minister Calls Muslim Head Scarf Symbol of Oppression February 8, 2019 She’s attacked for not respecting Muslim women’s “dignity.”
Mayor Launches Plan to Reconsider Landmarks Named for Controversial Figures January 31, 2019 The mayor is an Indian.
Yelling ‘I Hate White People’ and Punching One Isn’t a Hate Crime, Canadian Judge Rules January 31, 2019 Judge: “There is no evidence about what the offender meant or whether she holds or promotes an ideology.”
Arrests in Terror Plot Raise Questions About Canada’s Refugee Embrace January 28, 2019 Refugee youths were plotting a bombing.
As Quebec Cuts Immigration, Premier Calls for More Newcomers from Europe January 24, 2019 Critics say non-French-speakers and non-Europeans make society “interesting.”
White Nationalist Posters Found Around UTSG January 23, 2019 “If everyone is Canadian, then to be Canadian means nothing.”
Don’t Ever Question Mass Immigration or You’ll Be Instantly Racist January 17, 2019 Lefties insist that trying to protect Canadian culture is an act of bigotry.
White Comedian Rejected for Show in Montreal After Dreadlocks Deemed ‘Cultural Appropriation’ January 17, 2019 Whites’ wearing dreadlocks is a form of "passive oppression."
Liberal Karen Wang Resigns from B.C. Byelection After Racial Comment About Jagmeet Singh January 16, 2019 She thought being Chinese gave her a connection to the community that the Sikh did not have.
Toronto Imam Is Issuing Religious Marriage Certificates for Polygamous Relationships January 15, 2019 Imam says "you can’t prevent" polygamy.
Teamsters Slam Proposal to Fill Trucker Shortage with Immigrant Workers January 11, 2019 Organized labor in Canada understands the threat of immigration.
‘Western Egotism and White Supremacy’ Behind Calls to Release Canadians Detained in China: Chinese Ambassador January 11, 2019 Canadian diplomat says Chinese “sort of threw a whole bunch of things at the wall in the hope that something would stick.”
“We Want the Old Canada Back,” Say Yellow Vest Protesters January 10, 2019 They want stricter vetting of illegal immigrants.
Distracted Driving Law Could Target Minorities, Advocates Warn January 7, 2019 It's another excuse to pull over blacks who are "minding their own business."
Ottawa to Spend $113 Million on Pre-Arrival Services for New Immigrants January 4, 2019 Will enable "new Canadians" to "hit the ground running."
Calgary Church Challenges ‘Aggressively White’ Nativity Scenes December 24, 2018 Diverse nativity scenes will help us be more open to immigration.
Mississauga to Remove Indigenous-Themed Mascots, Imagery from Sports Facilities December 14, 2018 Students will not be allowed to have any “indigenous” mascots on their backpacks or hockey bags.
Black Residents of Toronto More Likely to Die During Police Interactions December 10, 2018 Blacks are “overrepresented” in all categories of interaction with Toronto police.
Quebec Confirms Plan to Reduce Immigration by About 20% December 6, 2018 “One immigrant in five left Quebec because they didn’t find a decent job.”
Majority of Quebecers Support the CAQ’s Plan to Ban Religious Symbols November 30, 2018 No more hijabs or yarmulkes on royal prosecutors.
Federal Government Has Spent $2.3M to House Asylum Seekers in Toronto Hotels November 23, 2018 Some hotel rooms are booked until January.
Mending Fences: McGill Pressed to Scrap Redmen Team Name as Sign of Indigenous Reconciliation November 16, 2018 The name “inflicts damage” on “indigenous” students.
Divided We Stand November 14, 2018 "Let’s just admit that this arranged marriage isn’t really working anymore, is it?"
A City of White Ghosts and Vanishing Memories November 14, 2018 A former Vancouverite returns to ask, “What became of my people?”
Trickle of Sikhs Fleeing India for Canada Becomes a Torrent November 13, 2018 Sikhs who want to establish an independent homeland in Punjab are migrating to Canada.
‘It’s Okay to Be White’ Signs Appear in Ottawa November 2, 2018 “It’s okay to be white” is a Nazi slogan.
Canada to Step Up Deportations of Undocumented Migrants November 1, 2018 Will increase deportations of illegals by 10,000 a year.
‘Do White People Dominate the Outdoors?’ MEC Apologizes for Using Only White Models October 25, 2018 Ads featuring only white models are “visual apartheid.”
Vancouver Just Elected an Almost All-White City Council October 24, 2018 Eight of ten councillors are women, but that's not enough "diversity."
There Are Few Black Surfers in Nova Scotia. This Actress Wants to Change That October 19, 2018 Fear of cold water, fear of drowning, fear of sharks, and costs prevent blacks from surfing.
‘A Polite Racist Is Still a Racist’: UCP Disqualify Candidate Who Defended Photo with Soldiers of Odin October 11, 2018 The candidate thought the group had disavowed racism.
Downtown Montreal Anti-Racism Demonstration Draws 3,000 October 9, 2018 Protesters don’t like the results of the October election.
African-Canadian Business Owners Meet to Express Frustration With Police, City After Shisha Bar Shut Down October 5, 2018 Allegations of “years of violent incidents” are just excuses for “discrimination.”
Couillard Quits Politics, Makes Impassioned Pitch for Minority Rights October 4, 2018 He restates his belief that immigrants to Quebec will not change its “distinct character.”
Asylum Seekers Housed in Hotels Will Have Their Stays Extended Four Weeks October 3, 2018 Shelters are at capacity, and the universities needed their dorm space back.
The First Border-Crosser to Attack in North America: Finally, an Update October 3, 2018 How a globe-trotting terrorist got to Canada.