Oakland Streets Erupt Into ’12 Hours of Non-Stop Chaos’ July 8, 2021 Police chief: “The level of violence is far too high."
Armed Robbers Hold Up Oakland TV Crew During Interview About City’s Crime Wave June 30, 2021 The city recently cut millions from the police budget.
Thief Brazenly Fills Trash Bag With Store Items as Security Guard Records the Crime June 16, 2021 Looters can have their way in San Francisco.
Bonkers on the Bay June 14, 2021 "While 70 percent of [San Francisco's] white students are proficient in math, just 12 percent of black students are."
San Francisco School Enrollment Plunges as Mostly White Families Flee District June 9, 2021 The white flight may cost the school district $20 million in state funds.
San Francisco’s Shoplifting Surge May 26, 2021 Walgreens has closed 17 stores in San Francisco, largely due to thefts.
Why I No Longer Ignore the Reality of Race May 22, 2021 "During these dark times, we have to be smart and strategic about how we fight, but fight we must."
California Attorney General Launches Racial Justice Bureau to Combat Hate Crimes, Police Bias May 19, 2021 The bureau will also explore possible reparations.
11-Year-Old, 17-Year-Old Arrested in Attack, Robbery of Older Asian Man in San Leandro May 15, 2021 "Additionally, the 11-year-old male was driving a carjacking vehicle."
Asian American Teen Called Racial Slur, Punched During Tournament Basketball Game May 7, 2021 Black players gave him a concussion.
San Diego County District Attorney Moves to Lift All Gang Injunctions May 6, 2021 "Gang injunctions unfairly target, harm and potentially ruin the lives of innocent members of our Black and brown communities.”
Record Turnout for 2000 American Renaissance Conference May 2, 2021 Speakers ponder the future of whites.
Suspect Charged with Murder in Orange Mass Shooting That Left 4 Dead April 2, 2021 Hispanic gunman may face the death penalty.
City of Oakland Mayor Is Branded Racist for Giving Families of Color $500 a Month If They Earn Under $59,000 March 26, 2021 She offers poor white families nothing.
California Approves Ethnic Studies Curriculum for K-12 Schools March 24, 2021 Can you guess which group isn't covered in ethnic studies?
Thousands of Farmworkers Are Prioritized for the Coronavirus Vaccine March 8, 2021 Illegal-alien farmworker: "It’s about time we got the opportunity to be first at something."
Berkeley Passes Resolution to Eliminate Historically Racist Single-Family Zoning February 27, 2021 “This is the city that originated single-family zoning for racist and classist reasons."
San Jose Leaders Agree Thomas Fallon Statue Must Be Removed February 13, 2021 Fallon raised the first American flag in the city.
Anger and Fear as Asian American Seniors Targeted in Bay Area Attacks February 12, 2021 Asians start community patrols to stop black attacks.
California Sentencing Laws Should Be Overhauled to Address ‘Extreme Racial Disparities’ February 11, 2021 Victim advocacy group says the proposal puts "the citizens of California in jeopardy.”
Maxine Waters, Racial Insurrectionist February 10, 2021 "[A]rbiter of civility and keeper of social order" she is not.
Hooded Suspect Shoves 91-Year-Old Man February 10, 2021 Another black-on-Asian crime in San Francisco.
Are Acronyms a Symptom of ‘White Supremacy Culture?’ SFUSD Makes Another Disputable Decision February 4, 2021 Acronyms "alienate those who may not speak English."
Family of 84-Year-Old Killed in SF Believe Attack Was Racially Motivated February 3, 2021 Black teen kills Thai man in knockout game-style attack.
S.F.’s Elite Lowell High School Would Permanently Switch to Lottery Admission Under Fast-Track Proposal February 3, 2021 The student body is currently 2 percent black and 12 percent Hispanic.
A Year Like No Other for L.A. Crime: Homicides Surge, Robberies and Rapes Drop January 5, 2021 Shootings rose by 40 percent as the LAPD's budget was cut by $150 million.
This Completely Preventable Double Homicide Was the Fault of San Francisco’s Radical DA January 4, 2021 Soros-backed DA, Chesa Boudin, hard at work.
California May Consider ‘Historical Injustice’ When Allocating COVID-19 Vaccine December 29, 2020 American Indian activists demand vaccine prioritization.
California Gets Latino US Senator, Some Black Leaders Angry December 24, 2020 San Francisco's black mayor calls it "a real blow to the African American community."
Los Angeles Has Now Crossed 300 Homicides for the First Time in over a Decade November 30, 2020 Police blame the pandemic.
California Governor Newsom Issues 22 Pardons November 19, 2020 Three were to shield immigrant murderers from deportation.
Measure to Restore Affirmative Action in California Fails November 5, 2020 Fifty-six percent of of Californians voted against Proposition 16.
California’s Racial Scare Campaign October 30, 2020 Affirmative action advocates resort to "white supremacy" smears.
Will Asians Stay Woke? October 28, 2020 Or could they lead a conservative shift in elite attitudes about race?
American Politics: Beyond Black and White October 26, 2020 How Hispanics and Asians complicate the mix.
San Bernardino, Calif., Police Shooting Sparks Night of Unrest October 26, 2020 Black Lives Matter rallies because police shot an armed criminal.
Los Angeles County Votes to Pay $14 Million to Former Immigrant Detainees October 21, 2020 ACLU: It's "a wake-up call to law enforcement agencies around the country who continue to hold people for ICE."
How Black Lives Matter Reshaped the Race for Los Angeles’ Top Prosecutor October 16, 2020 Activists say the black DA is continuing "the march from slavery to mass incarceration."
5 Arrested in Vandalism, Toppling of Junipero Serra Statue October 15, 2020 That's Saint Junipero Serra.
California Rolls Out Diversity Quotas for Corporate Boards October 2, 2020 Over 35 percent of California's public company boards fail to meet the new diversity requirement.
Governor Newsom Vetoes High School Ethnic Studies Bill October 2, 2020 Jewish groups called the ethnic studies curriculum "anti-Semitic."
Historic California Law Establishes Path to Reparations for Black People, Descendants of Slaves October 1, 2020 Gov. Newsom says "this signing can't come too soon."
Rioters Attack Drivers in Hollywood September 25, 2020 And the Los Angeles Times wants you to think the driver was the aggressor.
San Francisco to Provide $1,000/Month to Pregnant Black, Pacific Islander Women to Improve Health Outcomes September 15, 2020 Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Life Sentence for Kori Muhammad, Death Sentences for His Four Victims September 15, 2020 At sentencing, black perp says "Let black people go with our own land and reparations."
‘We Hope They Die!’ September 14, 2020 BLMers shoot two police officers and try to harass them at the hospital.
California Man Charged with Firebombing Offices of Republican Women’s Group September 11, 2020 "California Man" = Carlos Espriu.
California Police Officer Charged with Manslaughter After Being Forced to Shoot Criminal Who Had a Weapon September 9, 2020 White cop; black perp.
The Golden State Goes Brown September 9, 2020 California was incorporated into the United States on September 9, 1850 — 170 years ago.
Violence Erupts Again Monday as Dijon Kizzee Protesters Square Off with Deputies September 8, 2020 The event "was mostly peaceful until items such as rocks, mortars and bottles began to be thrown."
Report: CA District Attorney Issues Guidance to Police: Consider Needs of Looters Before Charging Them September 2, 2020 She should just come right out and say it: "Don't prosecute black looters."
Two Los Angeles Deputies Killed Black Man Who Dropped a Handgun September 1, 2020 Protests have already begun.
Los Angeles Police Respond to Shooting Near Pro-Trump Rally August 31, 2020 Three suspects have barricaded themselves in an apartment building.
Latinos Pressure California Governor on US Senate Appointee August 22, 2020 California has still never had a Hispanic US senator.
SFPD Unveils Black Lives Matter Poster to Be Placed at Each Station August 15, 2020 San Francisco police cede the argument.
The University of California and the SAT: Speaking the Truth? August 12, 2020 University ignored its own research by ditching the SAT.
Los Angeles District Attorney’s Husband Charged with Pulling Gun on BLM Protesters August 4, 2020 Doesn't matter that the protestors were at his home.
California Sues Trump to Ensure Undocumented Immigrants Are Counted July 28, 2020 "[T]he lawsuit argues the state would lose at least one House seat and thus an Electoral College vote."
By Easing Its Bar Exam Score, Will California Produce More Black and Latino Lawyers? July 27, 2020 That's the idea.
The Political Bankruptcy of American White Nationalism July 27, 2020 How important is Hispanic immigration?
‘Make Things Right’: Criminal Justice Officials Urge California to Release Prisoners Amid Covid-19 Surge July 10, 2020 What could be the downside?
Californians Who Allegedly Defaced Black Lives Matter Mural Face Hate Crime Charge July 10, 2020 Because of Covid, they at least they didn't have to post bail.