The Gang Laws Keeping Black and Latino People in California Prisons November 27, 2019 Why would gangs laws ended having a disparate impact . . . ?
California’s Changing Demographics Will Further Doom Republicans November 18, 2019 And that's the case even though Hispanics have "never exerted their full strength on election day."
San Francisco’s New Anti-Police D.A. November 14, 2019 California's radicalization takes another great leap forward.
BART Director Slams the Transport Company’s General Manager for Apologizing to Black Man Arrested for Eating a Sandwich on California Train Platform November 14, 2019 Who decides how much groveling is needed?
Airbnb Bans ‘Party Houses’ After California Shooting Kills 5 November 4, 2019 Perp's race unspecified, but we can guess.
California Man ‘Strangled a Woman to Death with an iPhone Cord November 1, 2019 He dumped her body behind the roller rink where they had been quarreling.
California Governor Pardons Three Immigrant Felons to Avoid Deportation October 22, 2019 What is he thinking?
Only Half of California Students Meet English Standards and Fewer Meet Math Standards, Test Scores Show October 10, 2019 "The low scores reflect a lack of investment in early childhood education and in the public school system."
Lawmakers Want California to Ignore Immigration Laws, as If It Were an Independent Nation September 18, 2019 California wants to ban ICE from housing illegals in its private prisons.
Block of Trump Asylum Rule Holds, but Only in California & Arizona August 19, 2019 Elsewhere, asylum can be denied if applicant did't seek it in other safe countries on the way to US.
‘Separate Programs for Separate Communities’: California School District Agrees to Desegregate August 13, 2019 “District mismanagement,” not racial antagonism, was to blame for the segregation.
4 Dead, 2 Wounded in Southern California Stabbings August 9, 2019 The suspect and victims are all Hispanic.
California Wants to Teach Your Kids That Capitalism Is Racist August 2, 2019 An “ethnic studies handbook” teaches children to be “agents of change.”
California Gang Members Charged in L.A. Machete Murders, Racketeering July 17, 2019 They're accused of murdering seven people over the past two years.
Trump-Backed ICE Raids Have Already Started in California July 12, 2019 This weekend's operation will target only 2,000 families.
California Bans Bias Against Black People Based on Natural Hairstyles July 10, 2019 The struggle against Eurocentrism continues.
‘This Is All Stolen Land’: Native Americans Want More than California’s Apology June 25, 2019 “The only compensation for land is land.”
California to Become the First State to Extend Health Benefits to Some Who Live in USA Illegally June 10, 2019 To pay for it, they’ll tax people who don’t have health insurance.
Mexico’s “Reconquista” — We Have Been Warned May 5, 2019 What Hispanics talk about when whites aren’t listening.
California Bill Creates Permission Slip for ‘Willful Defiance’ of Teachers, Staff May 3, 2019 "Is the State of California saying its teachers are racist?"
Dozens of Chilean ‘Tourists’ Tied to Robbery Spree in Southern California April 25, 2019 “Burglary tourism” is also hitting Texas, Arizona, and Colorado, and several European countries.
California May Ban Schools from Suspending Students for ‘Willful Defiance’ April 25, 2019 You'll never guess why.
Kaepernick Doll Seen Chained to Truck in San Jose on Eve of Texas Execution April 25, 2019 James Byrd's killer was executed Wednesday night.
People Are Pooping More Than Ever on the Streets of San Francisco April 19, 2019 The city even has a "poop patrol."
White House Considered Dumping Migrants in ‘Sanctuary Cities’ April 12, 2019 “Why release migrants into Yuma or Phoenix when you can release them in San Francisco where they want them?”
California’s Public Schools Enrollment Down, Hispanic and Charter School Students on the Rise April 3, 2019 Whites are just 22.9 percent of California K-12 public schools.
Court: Kate Steinle’s Parents Can’t Sue San Francisco for Negligence in Daughter’s Death April 2, 2019 9th Circuit rules unanimously against the Steinle family.
San Franciscans Raise $46,000 to Stop Homeless Shelter in Wealthy Area March 29, 2019 The wealthy Left: “Not in my backyard.”
A Poaching Conspiracy Is Playing Out on Northern California’s Coastline March 25, 2019 Asians are stealing a California plant as a luxury item.
Dozens of Central American Migrants Cut and Shove Their Way Through a Hole in a California Border Fence March 21, 2019 They were all caught — and all claimed asylum.
Feds Arrest California Group for Aiding Chinese Exam and Visa Cheats March 15, 2019 The other university admissions scandal.
How Middle America Is to Be Dispossessed March 12, 2019 Left's plan to "enlarge and alter the U.S. electorate so as to put victory . . . far out of reach for national Republicans."
Controversial Statue of President McKinley Sold in California, City of Canton to Become New Owner February 27, 2019 Indians don’t like him.
It’s Time to Take John Wayne’s Name off the Orange County Airport February 25, 2019 Author claims civil rights put the actor into a "racist rage."
California News Crew Robbed, Guard Shot; Suspect Arrested February 25, 2019 San Francisco Bay Area news crews regularly travel with armed guards.
30-Foot Border Wall Begins Construction in California February 22, 2019 Replacing 14 miles of steel-mesh fence near San Diego.
California, N.Y. and Other States Sue Trump over National Emergency to Fund Border Wall February 19, 2019 Trump anticipates the suit will go to the Supreme Court.
California Democrat Governor to Withdraw Hundreds of National Guard Troops from the Mexican Border February 11, 2019 “California will not be a part of Donald Trump’s political theater.”
Garcetti Orders LAPD to Scale Back Vehicle Stops Amid Concerns over Black Drivers Being Targeted February 7, 2019 One police division stopped blacks at a rate five times their share of the population.
How a California Officer Protected Neo-Nazis and Targeted Their Victims January 29, 2019 The Guardian carries water for violent antifa.
Calif. Board of Trustees Scraps Pledge of Allegiance over ‘White Nationalism’ History January 29, 2019 Board president says pledge is “steeped in expressions of nativism and white nationalism.”
Oakland Set to Pay Ex-Deputy City Attorney $295,000 in Racial Discrimination Case January 23, 2019 White man got the shaft.
California Governor Newsom Vows ‘Sanctuary to All Who Seek It’ in Inauguration Speech January 9, 2019 Meet the new governor; same as the old governor.
Two Weeks Later, No Sign of ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy in Action at San Ysidro Port of Entry January 8, 2019 Policy was supposed to be "effective immediately."
California Women’s March Organizers Nix 2019 Event for Being ‘Overwhelmingly White’ December 31, 2018 They will try again when they have enough non-whites.
California No. 1 in Percentage of Residents 25 and Older Who Never Finished 9th Grade December 24, 2018 Next in line is Texas.
City of Oakland Proclaims Yearly Indigenous Peoples Day December 21, 2018 The Bay Area has the largest concentration of Indians.
Lawsuit Against Santa Barbara School District over ‘Unconscious Bias’ Curriculum December 12, 2018 The Santa Barbara school district has paid more than a million dollars to propagandize children against whites.
Berkeley Prof Wants to Nix Student Evals After White Male Profs Score Higher November 28, 2018 Minority professors tend to get “significantly lower” scores than white men.
California Inmate Confesses to Being a Serial Killer Responsible for About 90 Deaths November 19, 2018 Killer is black and victims appear to be white.
L.A. Times Endorses 3 White Candidates in English — and Their Latino Rivals, in Spanish November 2, 2018 Race politics at their best.
San Francisco Spends About $6,326 for Each Non-Citizen Voter to Sign Up for Local Election, Report Says October 29, 2018 They just don't seem to want to vote in school board elections.
California Homicides: Who Gets Killed and Why October 29, 2018 Blacks and Hispanics are 46 percent of the population and 73 percent of those arrested for murder.
Los Angeles: Capital of the Third World October 28, 2018 And the liberal inability to acknowledge it.
Actor and Rapper Kaalan Walker Accused in Series of Sex Assaults Dating Back to 2016: LAPD October 25, 2018 He promised aspiring models work and attacked them when they were alone.
Racial Tension at a California High School October 10, 2018 Parents believe the brawl was a race riot.
California’s Adolescent Birth Rate Continues to Decline September 27, 2018 Hispanic teens account for 75 percent of California’s adolescent births.
California College Gets Rid of Prospector Pete Mascot Amid Concerns of Racism September 26, 2018 The gold rush was a period of violence toward Indians.
San Francisco to Remove 19th Century Statue Some Call Racist September 14, 2018 Getting rid of Columbus Day was not enough.
California Passed an Anti-Affirmative Action Law, And Colleges Ignored It September 4, 2018 Diversity is the supreme value.
L.A’s Newest Street: Obama Boulevard August 29, 2018 Obama Boulevard runs through a black neighborhood.
Study Details Thousands of Illegal Voters in ‘Sanctuaries’ August 28, 2018 "In sanctuary locations, there is zero chance for criminal prosecution once it happens."
California Legislature Kills Bill for Free Health Care for Adult Illegal Aliens August 23, 2018 Some things are too expensive even for California.
A Growing Number of California Detainees Are Indians Crossing Through Mexico to Seek Asylum August 14, 2018 Refugees from India ask for asylum and most of them get it.
Eric Clanton Takes 3-Year Probation Deal in Berkeley Rally Bike Lock Assault Case August 9, 2018 Bike-lock-bashing “philosophy professor” gets slap on the wrist.
Berkeley Police Criticized for Posting Identities of Antifa Protesters: ‘This Is Very Disturbing’ August 7, 2018 Lefty law-breakers are screeching.
California Would Lose Four Electoral Votes If Only Citizens Are Counted in the Census August 3, 2018 Texas, New York, and Florida would also lose votes.
Oakland to Pay $2.2 Million to Settle Ex-Black Panther’s Claim August 1, 2018 An expensive cat fight.
Black Crime Gets Crazier July 25, 2018 Oakland transit won't release videos of blacks rampaging because they'd be "embarrassing to minorities."
Berkeley High Graduate Pleads Guilty to Trying to Help Terrorists, Defense Says It Was a ‘Sting’ July 19, 2018 Amer Alhaggagi told an undercover agent he wanted to kill 10,000 people.
Non-Citizens Legally Register to Vote in San Francisco School Elections July 19, 2018 County supervisor: "We want to give immigrants the right to vote."