Video: Michelle Obama’s Full Speech at the 2020 DNC August 18, 2020 It's as cringe-worthy as you'd expect.
Black Lives Matter Narrative Gets Destroyed in Less Than 40 Minutes August 4, 2020 Even Heather Mac Donald was censored on YouTube.
Video: Wilfred Reilly on Why Black College Students Feel Oppressed July 21, 2020 Black heterodox professor on university indoctrination.
Every Book by a Black Author American Renaissance Has Reviewed July 6, 2020 Reparations, rumors, race wars, and more.
Rewriting American History to Please Blacks July 2, 2020 It’s part of the logic of Black Lives Matter.
The American Renaissance Guide to Race and Policing June 21, 2020 A look at liberal myths and unpopular truths.
The Life of a Black Academic: Tired and Terrorized June 16, 2020 There is a "world of terror enveloping many black academics."
Racism Makes Life a Constant Struggle for Black Canadians June 13, 2020 "Of all the scourges afflicting humanity, the most devastating and recurrent is racism."
Trying to Convince Myself I’ll Be OK: Thoughts from a Young Black Man June 5, 2020 "There is no escape to a promised land."
In America, Black Deaths Are Not a Flaw in the System. They Are the System June 3, 2020 "Our message is simple: racism is killing Black people in America. And we are done dying."
White Americans, Your Lack of Imagination is Killing Us June 1, 2020 And some whites are addicted to the "pornography" of black "pain."
Policing in the US is Not About Enforcing Law. It’s About Enforcing White Supremacy June 1, 2020 "If we had something approaching equal justice, would we still even be the United States?"
George Floyd Could Not Breathe. We Must Fight Police Violence Until Our Last Breath May 30, 2020 "We need police abolition."
Trump Supporters Smeared — Again — by the Left, in Minnesota Mayhem May 30, 2020 The misinformation Twitter doesn't censor.
My Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Blue, What the Hell Are You Doing? May 29, 2020 A top contender for Biden's VP lectures all police officers.
Jesse Jackson Condemns George Floyd Death as a ‘Lynching in Broad Daylight’ and Calls for Minneapolis Police Department to ‘Cleanse Itself, Inside and Out’ May 29, 2020 Minneapolis PD must "cleanse itself, inside and out."
How White Women Use Themselves as Instruments of Terror May 28, 2020 "White supremacy . . . is just as likely to wear heels as a hood."
Maxine Waters: Heartless Trump Wants Economy Reopened So He Can Hold ‘White Power Pep Rallies’ May 15, 2020 She claims he "doesn’t care about the 80,000+ people who’ve died from Coronavirus."
NFL Star Wants to Close Legal ‘Loopholes’ After Ahmaud Arbery’s Death. He’s Calling on AG Barr to Help. May 14, 2020 Some whites use "fear and self-defense" as "justification for murder."
‘They Lynched Him’: Ahmaud Arbery’s Father on the Killing of His Son May 13, 2020 “He just loved to work out and he just loved people."
What White Americans Can Learn About Racism From the Coronavirus May 9, 2020 The uncertainty whites face during COVID-19 is "everyday" for black and brown Americans.
LeBron James: Blacks ‘Literally Hunted Every Day,’ FBI Stats Say Otherwise May 8, 2020 Data suggests that blacks face greater threats from members of their own race than they do from whites.
After Coronavirus, Black and Brown People Must Be at the Heart of Britain’s Story May 7, 2020 Brits are "deluding" themselves if they think they can survive without immigrants.
The Killing of Ahmaud Arbery May 7, 2020 Charles Blow: "Arbery’s body is confined to a coffin, deep in a grave."
Coronavirus is Making the Case for Black Reparations Clearer Than Ever May 5, 2020 $10 trillion to $12 trillion should do the trick.
Black America Must Wake Up to This Viral Threat April 9, 2020 . . . and call for people to be released from prison.
I’m a Black Man in America. Entering a Shop with a Face Mask Might Get Me Killed April 7, 2020 "I do not trust that I will be allowed to exist in my Black skin."
These Young Voting Activists Are the New Black Suffragettes April 1, 2020 “As Black people, we have less voting rights now than we did back in the ‘60s.”
Coronavirus Outbreak Revives Dangerous Race Myths and Pseudoscience March 20, 2020 "Black people are not, in fact, immune to the coronavirus."
Don’t Assume That Black America Has Spoken in South Carolina March 4, 2020 A progressive black hopes blacks won't vote as one for Joe Biden.
Maxine Waters Defends Crips, Bloods ‘In the ‘Hood’ as Having More Integrity Than Trump February 25, 2020 She then claimed the President has "flirted with gangsters."
Do a DNA Test to ‘Find Out My Roots’? That’s Complicated for a Black Woman Like Me February 25, 2020 "DNA ancestry tests can be problematic."
Tim Scott Predicts Black Support for Donald Trump to Increase by 50 Percent in 2020 February 21, 2020 Praises the President for funding HBCUs and passing "criminal justice reform."
Pete Buttigieg is the Embodiment of White Privilege — and Black Voters Know It February 12, 2020 "Buttigieg has less experience in office than our local church deacons."
Defeating the HIV Epidemic is More About Politics Than Science December 9, 2019 Gay black author suggests corporations don't care about their non-white customers.
I Believe Black Americans Face a Genocide. Here’s Why I Choose That Word November 15, 2019 Everyone is entitled to an opinion . . .
Trial Begins in Alabama over Claims of Racially Gerrymandered Election Districts November 8, 2019 Alabama blacks want more power in Congress.
Heritage of Resistance: Reenactment to Honor Slave Rebellion November 6, 2019 Recreating (some version of) the German Coast Uprising of 1811.
Bernie Sanders Tells Black Male Student to Respect Police Officers ‘So That You Don’t Get Shot in the Back of the Head’ October 30, 2019 HBCU prof: “Bernie Sanders does not understand race in America. At. All.”
Artist’s Vision for Maya Angelou Statue Crushed by City Hall’s Dysfunction October 24, 2019 City Hall wanted a statue that looked similar to European-style statues.
Arkansas’ Phillips County Remembers the Racial Massacre the US Forgot October 22, 2019 Another group of blacks wants reparations.
Annexit: How One Alabama City Could Split in Half Along Racial Lines October 21, 2019 Blacks want control of the city.
Census Bureau Asks States for Driver’s License Records to Produce Citizenship Data October 18, 2019 "Latinx community groups" file suit to prevent the data gathering.
University of Alabama Dean Who Called Flag ‘Racist’ Paid $350,000 to Step Down October 18, 2019 Prof: The flag, police, and racism — “Is it that hard to see the correlation?”
City of Madison Declares Racism a Public Health Crisis October 18, 2019 “It has been proven” that stress leads to the health disparities for blacks.
The Fantastic Conspiracy Theories on Black Twitter October 17, 2019 If they believe this stuff they can believe anything.
Inside the “Most Incarcerated” Zip Code in the Country October 15, 2019 How much foolishness can you stuff into a single article?
Tlaib: Use Only Blacks as Detroit’s Facial Recognition Analysts October 3, 2019 "Analysts need to be African Americans, not people that are not."
FBI: Homicides Down 6% in 2018 over 2017 October 2, 2019 But the share of murders committed by blacks is up significantly.
White Evangelicals Love Trump and Aren’t Confused About Why. No One Should Be. September 30, 2019 It's because they are "often" white supremacists.
Slavery Myths That Keep Blacks Ignorant and Angry September 27, 2019 A curious mix of truth and mythology.
One in 7 Adults in New Orleans Has a Warrant Out for Arrest, New Data Shows September 24, 2019 "Civil rights organizations" want the city's 56,000 warrants wiped out.
86 Percent of Brooklynites in Court Are People of Color: Report September 20, 2019 The problem is “stark racial bias in NYPD tactics.”
Sweden: Nigerian Migrant Rapper Urges Blacks to Shoot, Enslave, and Kill White People September 12, 2019 “Like these whites took us as slaves we should take them as slaves and treat them even worse.”
Naval Academy Launches Investigation After a ‘Noose’ Was Found Hanging in a Construction Zone September 10, 2019 It may have been used to hoist duct work.
With Reparations, We Must Demand Repair — And Heal Ourselves September 5, 2019 The trauma of slavery passed down from generation to generation.
Hollywood Diversifies After Rebuke over Racial and Gender Inequality August 28, 2019 Will the movies be any better?
Rosa Parks Barbie® Inspiring Women™ Doll August 28, 2019 Available September 13 — with fashion and accessories; $30.99.
Biden: Racism Is an Institutional ‘White Man’s Problem Visited on People of Color’ August 28, 2019 Asked who his VP would be, Joe said: "preferably someone who was of color and who was of a different gender."
Novel Mapping Model Tracks How Hate Spreads and Adapts Online August 21, 2019 "No matter how much weed killer you place in a yard, the problem will come back, potentially more aggressively."
City Will Drop Dixie from Winston-Salem Fair Name. ‘Words Matter’ Argument Wins Out over Criticism of Symbols over Substance August 21, 2019 An overwhelming majority of citizens were against the name change, but the council changed it anyway.
1619 Project: New York Times Magazine Publishes Special Edition Dedicated to American Slavery and Its Legacies August 21, 2019 The further we get from slavery the more we have to apologize for it.
Sheila Jackson Lee: “Racism’ a ‘National Security Threat’ — ‘Huge Sums of Money’ Needed to Win Over ‘White Minds’ August 16, 2019 A “huge believer in the Bill of Rights” says we live in an era “where racism can no longer be allowed.”
ICE Let Loose 218,400 Migrant ‘Family Members’ into the US Since December August 1, 2019 They'll wait years for their hearings.