Posted on July 2, 2012

Conversation with a Conservative Comanche

Joseph Cotto, Washington Times, June 30, 2012

In contemporary politics, the views of Native Americans are rarely considered.


Fortunately, Dr. David A. Yeagley is doing something to change this.

The great-great-grandson of Comanche dignitary Bad Eagle, he has been called “an American Indian Leonardo DiVinci.” Bringing his work as “an author, scholar, classical composer, concert musician, (and) portrait artist” into the equation, this should come as no surprise.

Nonetheless, Yeagley’s political perspectives have surely attracted the most attention. {snip}


Joseph F. Cotto: Support for center-right politics in Native American cultures is not, generally speaking, thought of as being widespread. How does your ancient heritage tie in with your contemporary political views? 

Dr. David Yeagley: The preference of preservation is the pith of conservatism. To conserve, to reserve, to hold on to a tradition, an identity, a way of life — this is essential conservatism. No people in America are more focused on their traditions, however unrelated to present necessity, than are American Indians. American Indians represent the most conservative people in the country, if even by intuition and unarticulated ideology. Indians are simply conservative, albeit without political rhetoric. Indians live conservatism, rather than campaign for it. It is the way of all real Indians. I personally consider this obvious.

I recognize in America the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant as the foundation of the country and the society. All else is historical addendum. I believe the WASP has the obligation to make every effort to preserve the American identity, both socially and governmentally. It isn’t a matter of having the right to. That is a given. It is a matter of grave responsibility. As I honor the American Indian conservative instinct of preserving Indian nations (or wistful facsimiles thereof), I honor the WASP America, first and foremost. All else must be considered addition, not foundation. Yes, there are a number of other significant European peoples (nationalities) which had major roles in the building and shaping of modern America; however, they are simply not the foundation, and they must never be thought of as equal to that foundation, or as important.

No one would expect a Nigerian to become Chief of the Cheyenne, or a Lithuanian to become Chief of the Apache. And no one would consider an Indian tribe racist for being exclusive, intolerant, or non-egalitarian. Nor do I expect the WASP to turn over America to aliens, foreigners, or non-white leadership. This is catastrophic, obviously. Even the classical Greeks knew multiculturalism doesn’t work. Aristotle said the foreign element would never feel equal to the blue-bloods, no matter what concessions given them, or status they achieved. They are forever a source of discontent, and actually inimical to a democracy.

Cotto: In American politics, labels have been overused to the extent that terms such as “conservative” and “liberal” are now essentially meaningless. Why do you suppose that this happened?

Dr. Yeagley: I don’t consider the terms meaningless at all. Conservative means wanting to hold on to historical values and culturally established morals and mores.  Liberal means to undo all that has come before. {snip} Liberals are indeed the racists, for the whites have, and the darks have not. Therefore, the darks have been wronged by the whites. Liberalism is a godless social evaluation based on materialism, exclusively. {snip}
