Posted on December 26, 2024

Race, Not Religion

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, December 26, 2024

It must begin with Germany.

Since World War II, those who rule the West have demonized patriotism, tradition, and above all, race. Germany is the template, but now, “de-Nazification” has turned on the Allied powers themselves. The identities of the United Kingdom, France, Canada, the United States and other European countries are all deconstructed. Future historians will not think World War II much of a victory if many of the Allied nations essentially cease to exist within a century of it.

There are various rationalizations for mass immigration. In Canada, it is “residential schools.” In Britain, it is imperialism. In the United States, slavery. In countries that had no empire, such as Ireland, it seems to be the mere existence of white people. The excuses may vary but the goal doesn’t. Once-white countries belong to everyone, and whites become stateless.

Nowhere is it as bad as Germany. Patriotism itself is verboten. A “Constitution Protection Office” policies free speech and spies on political parties. Since Angela Merkel’s catastrophic decisions to import Middle Eastern “refugees” and abolish nuclear power, the former economic engine of the EU has slumped. Postwar Germany may not have been proud, but it was at least prosperous and orderly. No longer.

The attack in Magdeburg could be a turning point. It is not just that it was an attack on a Christmas Market, one of the few surviving German traditions. That’s not new. It is not just that a child died. That’s not new, either. It is not even that it was an anti-Islam Saudi national. While that may be new, it was still the norm: non-Europeans attacking Europeans.

What is really new is that Germany has a political opposition that has the potential actually to change things. The Alternative for Germany rallied in the immediate aftermath of the attack, with thousands cheering Dr. Alice Wendel’s poignant speech.

Angrier demonstrations also took place.

However, we should not assume that Germany will magically “awaken.” The German government is reportedly trying to muzzle social media and leftists are still crusading against “Nazism,” as if it were the problem. They are also pretending that the attacker was “far right,” because he was anti-Islam.

Some on the Right have argued that the attacker was practicing the Islamic doctrine of deception — taqiyya — pretending not to be a Muslim. That’s doubtful, but conservatives want to believe the problem is religion because it lets them deny race. The socially liberal “counter-jihadists” had the same position.

Saying the attack was about “ideas” and not race may seem more moderate; it is not. A country defined by “values” would need thought police. It would mean that people from anywhere who believe in its “values” can be citizens, while those born there may not be. It would also mean that every such country would always be at war with its own past. Even in a young country like America, supposedly sacred beliefs like “democracy” or “racial equality” have become mainstream only recently. The concept of a “nation of ideas” is incoherent and totalitarian. We already see what it is doing to Germany. In defense of universal rights and democracy, the German government is toying with banning the AfD, which could soon be the leading party in the country.

“Remigration” is now part of the European debate, and 2025 may be the year it goes mainstream. Remigration is necessary is because identity is inherent, race is real, and divisions between peoples cannot be eradicated by ideology.

After the attack at the Magdeburg Christmas market the previous evening, several hundred people gathered. (Credit Image: © dpa via ZUMA Press)

Non-Europeans who come to Europe will always resent the natives, and it’s not our job to appease them. The issue is race, not religion. It matters what people are, not what they say they believe; beliefs are often post-hoc rationalizations for ethnic and racial interests.

At a gut level, Europeans probably sense this. Most feel, at least dimly, the distinction between “us” and “them.” They must not state it openly. One of the cries in the aftermath of the attack was that people who do not love Germany should “leave.” But why should anyone love Germany? It is not the most prosperous country or strongest, nor necessarily the most beautiful or efficient. Yet, for a German, it’s his Heimat — the core to his identity. Love of country — which is love one’s people — cannot be traded away to newcomers and shouldn’t be. Love is too precious to be given to strangers. Universalism is a false moral ideal, and usually a cover for more tribal interests.

The AfD is not an explicitly ethnonationalist party, but it is the one party that has a commonsense immigration and remigration policy that can win. Those who think the AfD doesn’t go far enough better offer a practical plan for what Germans should do now.

Nationalism is surging in Europe, but we face a time limit; unchecked, the Great Replacement will reduce Europeans to minorities, and non-whites won’t be squeamish about pushing their interests. For many, assimilation is already a joke. If the population changes much more, assimilation will be impossible. And we won’t another chance.