Posted on January 16, 2020

A Nation of Immigrants

Mike Bloomberg 2020

The grandson of immigrants, Mike believes in the power of the American Dream. Throughout his career, he has been a passionate advocate for welcoming immigrants and fixing the broken immigration system. Immigrants make our country stronger, and Mike is focused on reclaiming America’s role as the beacon of freedom and opportunity for people from around the world.

Mike’s Record on Immigration

  • Mike formed the pro-immigration organization New American Economy, representing more than 500 mayors and CEOs from all 50 states who are highlighting the contributions of immigrants.
  • Mike ensured confidentiality of immigration status for all people who interacted with New York City government.
  • Mike made New York City’s 311 government services hotline available in 170 languages and required city service agencies to provide translation and interpretation.
  • Mike launched new programs to help immigrant entrepreneurs start and grow businesses and connect immigrants to legal assistance and social services.
  • Mike’s Office of Immigrant Affairs was called a global model for cities seeking to better integrate and serve immigrant communities, and created blueprints to help mayors around America replicate successful programs and policies for immigrants.