New Border Crisis: 1,809 Illegal Crossing Attempts a Day, ‘Ticking Time Bomb’
Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner, February 6, 2019
America First Policies, which promotes President Trump’s agenda, has outfitted a truck with a billboard “ticker” that displays the minute-by-minute count of illegal crossing attempts at the U.S.-Mexico border.
So far, there have been some 66,000 attempts this year, and America First Policies said that another attempt occurs every 48 seconds. It based its numbers on estimates from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Experts have estimated that about half of all illegal entry attempts succeed.
The truck began driving by House and Senate office buildings Wednesday morning. For the next seven days it will follow a loop from the Capitol to the White House.
“Every 48 seconds, another person attempts to illegally cross our southern border. That’s 1,809 people per day. How many illegal crossings will it take before Congress follows President Trump’s lead and puts the safety and security of the American people first?” she added.