Posted on October 1, 2018

Us White Male Christians Need to Step Back and Give Others Room to Lead

Matthew Dowd, ABC, September 30, 2018


As a white male Christian in America, I am part of a dwindling subset that has held the levers of power politically and economically in nearly every field for the entire history of the United States.


This must change in a much more dramatic way.

Instead of waiting for the diverse population of America to keep pushing and prodding, I would humbly suggest that we as white male Christians take it upon ourselves to step back and give more people who don’t look like us access to the levers of power.


Yes, let me repeat, we as white male Christians should do what real leadership demands and practice a level of humility which demonstrates strength by stepping back from the center of the room and begin to give up our seats at the table.

We should make this move not because we feel threatened, but because we know it is morally right and it is what would help America in this troubling time. The best leaders and change makers make themselves dispensable. And that is what me and my fellow white male Christians must do more often.


I myself can do a much better job of this in both my personal and professional life. I don’t need to take the seat on the board of a company or a non-profit if others equally talented are standing by. I don’t need to always speak up or try to run meetings I happen to be in. I should interrupt less, and let others from diverse backgrounds share their thoughts.


We shouldn’t wait to be shoved or “toppled”, and we should even extend a hand and say “it’s your turn, take my place.”


I for one am excited at the prospect of seeing how a whole different group of people will lead and make our country and the Earth a better place.

Let’s do this, guys. Let’s put the country first and our fellow humans ahead of our own egos. Let’s do this not out of a sense of insecurity that we are losing a hold on power, but out of a sense of security that others not like us can do the job better than we can at this time.

The greatest demonstration of strength is putting someone else ahead of ourselves. {snip}