Posted on October 2, 2018

Netherlands 25 Percent Nonwhite, Will Become Majority Third World Within One Generation

The New Observer, September 28, 2018


According to the official Dutch census bureau, the total number of residents of the Netherlands stands at 17,081,507, of which 13,218,754 have a “Dutch background,” to use the official terminology.

Of these “immigrant background” population, the Dutch census bureau claims that 2,173,723 have a “non-western” background, made up of 391,088 Moroccans, 153,469 Antillean and Arubans, 349.978 Surinamese, 400,367 Turks, and 878,821 “assorted not-Westerners.”

To this total must be added the “first generation non-westerners,” which the census bureau puts at 1,199,972, and the “second generation non-westerners,” which the census bureau puts at 973,751. {snip}


These figures mean that the Netherlands is due to become a majority nonwhite country within the next generation, or 30 years, thanks to the race-denying liberal immigration policies pursued by that country’s governments for the last five decades.
