Biden Revives Campaign, Winning Nine States, but Sanders Takes California March 4, 2020 Blacks buoy Biden.
Don’t Assume That Black America Has Spoken in South Carolina March 4, 2020 A progressive black hopes blacks won't vote as one for Joe Biden.
Blacks Put an End to Buttigieg and Steyer Campaigns March 2, 2020 Reports about the death of Biden's campaign were greatly exaggerated.
Sanders Strengthens Lead Nationwide, Edging Out Biden Among Black Voters as Bloomberg Nosedives February 26, 2020 Biden says he has "worked like the devil to earn the vote of the African American community."
Biden Wins Crucial Jim Clyburn Endorsement Ahead of South Carolina Primary February 26, 2020 Some consider the endorsement a "seal of approval among black voters."
Biden Lost His ‘Electable’ Claim. That’s Why Black Votes Are Up for Grabs Again. February 25, 2020 It's unusual for black voters to split between candidates.
3 Winners and 4 Losers from the Nevada Democratic Debate February 20, 2020 There was a lot of pandering and not a lot of diversity.
Donald Trump Will Run to The Left February 11, 2020 He's likely to play the "Democrats are the real racists" angle.
Can Hispanics Put Bernie Over the Top? February 1, 2020 Someday they’ll have the power, but not this year.
‘We Can Lose This Election’: What Top Democrats Fear Could Go Wrong in 2020 January 31, 2020 "[W]hat history tells us: Trump is strong."
Black Stranglehold on Democrat Party Dooms Bernie Sanders January 27, 2020 Obama can kill his candidacy any time.
Biden Appeals Both to Black Voters — and to White Voters Suspicious of Black Lives Matter January 3, 2020 An interesting look at white racial consciousness among Democrats.
Biden Claims He Marched To Protest Segregation; Where’s the Proof? December 19, 2019 It's the thought that counts.
After the Obama Disappointment, Black Voters Want More Than Empty Symbolism December 5, 2019 "Obama made me feel hopeful . . . until he didn’t."
Biden’s Senior Latina Adviser Quits in Frustration November 26, 2019 Some polls show him tied with Sen. Bernie Sanders for Hispanic support.
Why Are All the Major Contenders for the Democratic Presidential Nomination White? November 21, 2019 We invite your comments.
Will ‘Sexist’ White Males Derail Warren? November 8, 2019 "When one looks at the Democrats' . . . field of candidates, the odds of Trump's re-election seem a good deal better."
The Toxic Self-Hatred of White Democrats October 24, 2019 White liberals' path to power may be blocked by the racial tensions they stoke.
Biden: Racism Is an Institutional ‘White Man’s Problem Visited on People of Color’ August 28, 2019 Asked who his VP would be, Joe said: "preferably someone who was of color and who was of a different gender."
Biden Goes All In on the Race Issue August 9, 2019 "The race divide seems deeper and wider than at any time in our lifetimes."
A Multicultural Mugging of Uncle Joe August 2, 2019 "Biden today seems to be the kind of candidate . . . that progressives want desperately to be done with."
White Male Democrat Stooges July 23, 2019 They will give away the whole country if they can stay on top until it’s all gone.
Kamala Harris vs. Biden on Federal Busing: I Don’t Think You’re Racist but “That Little Girl Was Me” June 28, 2019 “I don’t think you’re a racist,” she said, before attacking him for racism.
Uncle Joe Gets Snared by the Democratic Party’s Jim Crow Past June 21, 2019 No friendships with segregationists allowed.
Democrats Don’t Want to Nominate a Candidate Who Looks like Bernie or Joe May 24, 2019 Blacks prefer black candidates; Hispanics prefer Hispanic candidates; whites prefer non-white candidates.
Joe Biden: Too Male, Too White, Too ‘Racist’ May 15, 2019 The Democratic primaries will be like gladiatorial combat.
2020 Dems Audition for Al Sharpton’s Support April 3, 2019 At least 10 Democrat presidential candidates will speak before the National Action Network.
Democrats’ America: The Heart of Darkness January 25, 2019 "Can people lead a republic that they have come to see as a sinkhole of racism?"
Kamala Harris’ Presidential Run Will Force Democrats to Decide Where They Really Stand on Criminal Justice January 21, 2019 She chose Martin Luther King Jr. Day to announce her candidacy.
No, This Is Not JFK’s Democratic Party January 8, 2019 "Are Democrats inviting an eventual Balkanization of their party and country?"
Dems Worry: Top Three Candidates in Polls Are All White Men December 27, 2018 It “defies the party’s mission to be more diverse and more inclusive.”
The Path to the Presidency Could Be Harder for White Democrats in 2020 December 27, 2018 New book explains that "racists" voted for Trump.
Democrats Have Made One Thing Very Clear About 2020: They’re over White Men November 27, 2018 The Democratic Party is looking more and more like a non-white pressure group.
Trouble Brewing in the ‘Coalition of the Ascendant’ November 26, 2018 College-educated whites will bolt.
2020 Democrats Are Dramatically Changing the Way They Talk About Race November 20, 2018 They're not worried about driving more white voters to Donald Trump.
No Party for Old White Men June 29, 2018 "[T]he Democratic Party appears about to unleash its radical left."
The Worst Thing to Be in Many Democratic Primaries? A White Male Candidate. June 28, 2018 White Democrats feel the brunt of their own policies.
Biden to Hispanics: Obama Will Act on Immigration September 23, 2014 ". . . and he's going to do an awful lot."
Biden: ’11 Million Undocumented Aliens Are Already Americans in My View’ March 28, 2014 They want a chance to help build "the next great American century."
Biden: Don’t Let Immigration Die Like Gun Control November 14, 2013 Not everyone has given up on passing amnesty this year.
Rubio Trails Hillary, Biden Among Hispanics in 2016 Matchup July 2, 2013 41 percent of Hispanic voters say GOP immigration support doesn't change their feelings about the party.
Biden Tells Trinidad and Tobago: ’11 Million Undocumented’ in U.S. ‘Required to Constantly Live in Fear’ May 30, 2013 He wants to offer illegals "the dignity they deserve."
Biden Thanks Latinos for Support in Re-Election January 21, 2013 Vice President says "America owes" Hispanics. "This is your moment!"
VP Biden: Hispanics “the Center of this Nation’s Future” January 8, 2013 Biden disses the black community.
Secret Service Rental Stolen Ahead of Biden Visit to Detroit September 4, 2012 It must have been the Romney people.
Sharpton Takes Biden To Task On Remarks February 2, 2007 Biden responds by lavishing praise on Sharpton.