How Racism and Discrimination Affect Black People in China and Hong Kong December 15, 2020 Blacks in China say they face "random acts of ignorance."
Pompeo Warns of Chinese Threat to US Colleges December 11, 2020 "So many of our colleges are bought by Beijing."
Suspected Chinese Spy Targeted California Politicians December 9, 2020 She had cred as a leader in Asian-American student groups.
U.S. House Passes Bill Giving Hong Kong Residents Special Refugee Status December 8, 2020 They'd be excluded from the annual cap on refugee admissions.
XI’s Masterplan for a Homogeneous New China December 8, 2020 China's rulers want to impose a pan-Chinese identity on the country's ethnic minorities.
U.S. Tightens Visa Rules for Chinese Communist Party Members December 5, 2020 The new rule may restrict the travel of up to roughly 270 million Chinese.
Government Ready for 100 Per Cent Increase in Hong Kong Citizens Coming to UK December 2, 2020 Government promises Hong Kongers a "bespoke immigration route with a path to full British citizenship."
Former Raytheon Engineer Sentenced for Exporting Sensitive Military Related Technology to China November 30, 2020 Naturalized citizen Wei Sun showed his true loyalty.
The Taboo That Could Break America, Part III November 25, 2020 Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis.
China’s Five-Year Plan Proposal Stresses Eugenics in Birth Policy, Says Expert November 18, 2020 Policy blueprint allegedly sets a goal to "upgrade population quality."
US Visas for Chinese Students Tumble 99% as Tensions Rise November 14, 2020 The State Department revoked the visas of more than 1,000 Chinese over espionage concerns.
America’s Social Credit System Is Worse than China’s November 13, 2020 But there are ways to escape it.
Xi Jinping Ordering Erasure of Genghis Khan from Chinese History November 12, 2020 A "human rights magazine" is concerned about this, but not Confederate erasure.
Ethnic Chinese Community Leader Is First Charged Under Australia’s Foreign Interference Law November 7, 2020 New law forbids spying and "interference with democratic processes."
U.S. Arrests Five Alleged Chinese Agents, Accusing Them of Targeting Dissidents November 2, 2020 Chinese nationals persecute political dissidents on American soil.
Estimating the Number of Chinese STEM Students in the United States October 26, 2020 Chinese nationals comprise 16 percent of all graduate-level STEM students.
Citing White Birth Rates, Chinese Ambassador Claims Western Leaders Are Pursuing a ‘Genocide Policy’ October 23, 2020 "Is this the result of the genocide policy pursued by their leaders?”
USCIS Issues Policy Guidance Regarding Inadmissibility Based on Membership in a Totalitarian Party October 6, 2020 Trump administration bars entry to communists.
Video: Ritual Public Shaming September 22, 2020 Something the American Left could have picked up from Maoist China.
NYPD Officer Charged with Spying for China September 22, 2020 Now that's a police officer worth defunding.
The Influential Few: Why China’s Spies Are Targeting These Australians September 15, 2020 China pursues its interests wherever they may be.
US Blocks Visas for Some Chinese Students & Researchers to Prevent Them from Stealing Sensitive Research September 10, 2020 Better late than never.
Study: Hollywood Casts More Light-Skinned Actors for Chinese Market September 9, 2020 Chinese influence on Hollywood has a lightening effect.
Shots Fired During Latest China-India Himalayan Border Incident, but Asian Powers Dispute Who Used Weapons September 8, 2020 Meanwhile, in Asia.
Living in China Forced Me to Be Honest About the Reality of Race September 5, 2020 Time abroad can be enlightening.
India Sends Army Chief to Chinese Border in Himalayas September 5, 2020 Border clashes between the two Asian giants escalated this week.
Trump Campaign Announces President Trump’s 2nd Term Agenda August 24, 2020 Campaign promises to "fully fund" police and bring "Antifa to justice."
Former CIA Officer Arrested and Charged with Espionage August 18, 2020 For a decade, Alexander Yuk Ching Ma fed info to the Chinese.
Chinese Researcher Accused of Hiding Military Links Taken into Custody in San Francisco – Reports July 24, 2020 Juan Tang was hiding out at the Chinese consulate in San Francisco.
Hackers Linked to China Allegedly Stole Data from Australian Defence Contractor July 23, 2020 Over 300 gigabytes worth.
Australia Ends Hong Kong Extradition Treaty, Extends Visas with Residency Pathway July 9, 2020 About 10,000 Hongkongers in Australia just got five-year visa extensions.
China Trying to Force Chinese Nationals Living in US to Return Home – FBI Chief July 7, 2020 China calls it "Operation Fox Hunt."
TikTok: Chinese App May Be Banned in US, Says Pompeo July 7, 2020 The secretary of state has barked. Will he bite?
India Bans 59 Mostly Chinese Apps Amid Border Crisis July 1, 2020 India takes a tougher stance against China than Trump does.
Hong Kong: UK Makes Citizenship Offer to Residents July 1, 2020 Offer made to up to three million Hong Kong residents.
China Sterilising Ethnic Minority Women in Xinjiang, Report Says June 29, 2020 The move "might be characterized as a demographic campaign of genocide.”
Woke Companies Mark Juneteenth While Reportedly Profiting from China’s Muslim Slave Labor June 22, 2020 Many Uyghurs work “under conditions that strongly suggest forced labor.”
Canada Has an Unused Card Up Its Sleeve Against China: Our Immigration System June 20, 2020 The trick is to give Hong Kongers asylum.
Fifty-Four Scientists Have Lost Their Jobs as a Result of NIH Probe into Foreign Ties June 17, 2020 "82 percent of those being investigated are Asian."
Boris Johnson Says 3M People in Hong Kong Will Get Path to British Citizenship June 5, 2020 "This would amount to one of the biggest changes in our visa system in British history."
Chinese National Arrested for Fraudulently Applying for Millions in COVID-19 Relief Loans: DOJ May 27, 2020 Before he was nabbed, Muge Ma had collected about $1.5 million.
African Man Dragged by the Leg Out of Supermarket in China as Blacks Are Barred Entry May 8, 2020 Despite purported efforts to curb "racism," discrimination against Africans continues unabated.
China’s Guangdong Province Unveils New Anti-Discrimination Measures After Widespread Reports of Racism Against Africans May 4, 2020 The Guangzhou McDonald's is now serving blacks again.
This Woman Got a Visit from the Police After Posting a Video About Racism in China April 30, 2020 She says that the Chinese treat Africans "like pets."
Over 30 Percent of Americans Have Witnessed COVID-19 Bias Against Asians, Poll Says April 29, 2020 Asians have "fallen quickly from model minority to yellow peril."
How China Shut Down African Protests over Racial Discrimination in Guangzhou April 28, 2020 And how the Nigerian House Speaker dressed down a Chinese ambassador.
Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal April 28, 2020 The US is already like "what one finds in authoritarian states such as China."
UK Far-right: Britain First and Tommy Robinson Turn to TikTok to Beat Social Media Bans April 20, 2020 Muslim reporter isn't happy.
Modern Chinese Medicine: Anti-Blackness April 18, 2020 "Anti-Blackness is a panacea for non-Black people of color when trying to mitigate the pain of racism against themselves."
What Will Change After the Virus Crisis? April 17, 2020 "The 'new world order' . . . will not go gently into that good night."
Video: McDonald’s Sorry for ‘No Blacks Allowed’ Chinese Sign April 17, 2020 The store that posted the sign is now closed down.
African Community Targeted in China Virus Crackdown April 13, 2020 The US State Department is accusing China of "xenophobia towards Africans."
China: Fuzhou Offers Up to $71,000 for Clues on Illegal Immigrants Amid Pressure of COVID-19 Imported Cases April 10, 2020 Sea patrols are to be stepped up as well.
More Than Half of Americans Think China Should Pay Coronavirus Reparations, Poll Shows April 9, 2020 Even a majority of Democrats blame China.
China Signals End to Dog Meat Consumption by Humans April 9, 2020 Government cites the “progress of human civilization” as a reason.
The Long History of US Racism Against Asian Americans, from ‘Yellow Peril’ to ‘Model Minority’ to the ‘Chinese Virus’ April 8, 2020 Some long-form bellyaching.
759,493 People Entered US from China During Coronavirus Outbreak April 4, 2020 So much for Trump's boasts about shutting the border.
Who’s Right: Donald Trump or the Media? April 3, 2020 Before they blamed the President, many journalists played down the virus.
Welcome to the PC (Post Coronavirus) Era April 2, 2020 ". . . a dangerous virus is not a matter of racism and xenophobia — but survival."
Red Pandas Are Two Separate Species, Study Finds March 31, 2020 "Interbreeding between species may harm the genetic adaptations already established for their local habitat environment."
Chinese Company Shipped Out Millions of Australia’s Masks, Hand Sanitiser, Glove Supplies March 27, 2020 Free trade in action.
China Bars Foreigners from Entry Amid Covid-19 Pandemic – Foreign Ministry March 26, 2020 Even those with valid visas will be barred.
Party Affiliation Dictates Responses to ‘Chinese Virus’ March 23, 2020 And blacks the most critical of President Trump's approach.
Cato Institute In USA TODAY: “Want to Defeat Coronavirus? Protect Legal Immigration.” March 21, 2020 Ideology trumps reason.
China Threatens Electronic Strikes on Navy March 21, 2020 Potentially opening a new style of international conflict.
Open Borders Caused the COVID-19 Pandemic March 19, 2020 "The chilling part is this is only the beginning."
Trump Doubles Down on Calling Coronavirus ‘Chinese Virus,’ Saying ‘It’s Not Racist at All.’ March 18, 2020 "It comes from China. That's why."
On Coronavirus, the Nationalists Aren’t Nationalist Enough March 13, 2020 President Trump is wasting a crisis.