Posted on January 25, 2022

Algeria No Longer Accepting Forcibly Deported Migrants From France

Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, January 22, 2022

French media have claimed that an internal email from the French Interior Ministry has revealed that Algeria is no longer accepting any forced deportation of its nationals from France.

The alleged confidential internal Interior Ministry email, dating from the 6th of December of last year, states that Algerian authorities now outright refuse to accept any Algerian nationals who have been deported from France against their own will.

The internal letter, originally obtained by the French outlet Mediapart, is said to have originated from the Directorate General of Foreigners in France (DGEF) and was addressed to the prefect of the department of Haut-Rhin, French newspaper Valeurs Actuelles reports.


According to French media, the Algerian government has also moved to automatically cancel any airline tickets booked by the French Interior Ministry, which now has a policy that all returns must be both voluntary and deportees must purchase their own airline tickets in order to avoid Algieria blocking their return.
