Sweden: Boys Raped, Tortured, Made to Dig Graves by Migration-Background Men Survive Ordeal
Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, November 21, 2020
Two underage boys who were brutally tortured and raped at a Swedish cemetery have described their horrific ordeal to police as new details of the incident have emerged.
Earlier this week the two suspects in the case, an 18-year-old Tunisian-Swede and a 21-year-old Kurd with Swedish citizenship, were charged with aggravated robbery, kidnapping, aggravated assault, aggravated rape, and assault.
The boys told the police that the two men had initially approached them to sell drugs but when the boys refused, the pair claimed to be members of the “Death Squad” criminal gang and threatened the pair while taking them to a nearby wooded area.
Both boys were stabbed in various part of their bodies, tortured with cigarette lighters, and one even had a stick forced into his rectum by one of the migration-background men. {snip}