Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Arrests Gang Members and Criminals
Customs and Border Patrol, December 26, 2019
U.S. Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley continue to encounter criminal aliens and gang members.
On Thursday, Falfurrias agents responded to a call from the Premont, Texas, Police Department after they conducted a traffic stop resulting in eight illegal aliens being arrested. Record checks revealed one of the subjects, a Honduran national, was arrested by the New York Police Department for sexual abuse of a minor. Nuñez was convicted of an Act In manner Injure Child less than 17 on May of 2014 and sentenced to 364 days confinement.
On Sunday, McAllen agents arrested a Honduran national near Sullivan City, Texas, after attempting to illegally enter the country. During an interview the subject self-admitted to being an active Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang member.
The Border Patrol is processing the subjects accordingly.