Utah Jazz’ Kyle Korver on Race: White People Are ‘Responsible’ for the Sins of Their Forefathers
Warner Todd Huston, Breitbart, April 8, 2019
In a long op-ed at the Players’ Tribune, white Utah Jazz player Kyle Korver blamed white people for “inequality” and “racism” in America. Specifically, Korver insisted that white men today are “responsible” for all the racism of their ancestors.
In the April 8 editorial, Korver discussed several incidents that he claims are examples of racism in the NBA.
These incidents, Korver said, made him begin thinking about blame and responsibility and the upshot of his rumination is that he blames all white people. Indeed, he even blamed himself.
Despite the fact that he plays in a league where hundreds of black men have become multi-millionaires in a nation that twice elected a black man to the White House, Korver insisted that racism is “at the heart of nearly every major issue in our country today.”
Korver went on to blame all white men everywhere in the country for “racism,” even saying that white men are “responsible” for all acts of past racism.
Two concepts that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately are guilt and responsibility.
When it comes to racism in America, I think that guilt and responsibility tend to be seen as more or less the same thing. But I’m beginning to understand how there’s a real difference.
As white people, are we guilty for the sins of our forefathers? No, I don’t think so.
But are we responsible for them? Yes, I believe we are.
“I know that, as a white man, I have to hold my fellow white men accountable,” he wrote. “We all have to hold each other accountable.