Posted on September 4, 2018

College Discourages 9/11 Memorial Citing Muslims’ Feelings

Molly Prince, Daily Caller, August 30, 2018


Ripon College condemned a flier by Young America’s Foundation (YAF) to honor the memory of those killed in the 2001 attacks and to help prevent the events from being forgotten, reported The Washington Examiner. It was part of an annual “Never Forget” project on college campuses around the nation.

The administration claimed that the memorial would create an atmosphere where “students from a Muslim background would feel singled out and/or harassed.”


In addition to images of the Sept. 11 attacks, the exhibit also displayed other radical Islamic extremist events such as Islamic State beheadings and the USS Cole bombing.

The college further claimed that Muslim terrorists only “represent a small percentage of the terrorist attacks that happen to this country” and that YAF is only showing “a very small picture of a specific religion or nationality instead of the larger viewpoint.”

YAF quickly refuted the aforementioned claim calling it false and fired back with a fact-check stating “from 1992 to 2017, Islamists were responsible for 92% of deaths caused by terrorism in the United States, and are ‘far and away the deadliest group of terrorists by ideology’.”
