Posted on March 5, 2018

Hungary’s Prime Minister: Migration as a Human Right Will Lead to a Primitive Humanity

Voice of Europe, March 2, 2018

Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, reacted to the UN’s migration plans and attempts of George Soros to influence the country’s elections in an interview with Kossuth radio.

The UN’s plans to open up borders and making migration organised and a human right are completely oppositional to Hungary’s stance.

Orban said: “If migration becomes a human right, this will be a sure recipe for destroying the earth, leading to a primitive humanity… If sovereignty is taken away, then ancient cultural rights, opportunities and a living standards achieved through hard work will be at risk.”

Hungary’s Prime Minister also mentioned George Soros and his meddling in the country’s elections: “We have to face the fact that some people out there have set out to turn Hungary into an immigrant country and they have been selected as candidates, backed by a lot of money — the international money of George Soros, his civil organisations and a large part of the foreign-owned media operating in Hungary.”

Hungary’s elections will be on 8 April and Orban’s party Fidesz is leading the polls with 53 per cent. “If we want to protect Hungary and avoid becoming an immigrant country then we must join forces and fight this battle together”, Orban said.