Posted on August 17, 2017

Whose Side Is He On?

Ben Stein, Spectator, August 16, 2017


1) I wonder how many of the counter-protesters at the Charlottesville event even had any idea who Robert E. Lee was.


I wonder how many Americans of any age know that the immense majority of Southerners owned no slaves and that they laid down their lives to protect not slavery, but an invasion by Northerners who by the laws of the day simply had no clear legal right to be in North Carolina or Virginia at arms.

2) I watched with astonishment the demolition of the statue of a Confederate soldier in Durham. No police at hand at all to stop the destruction of public property. No vote by any government body to remove the statue.


This was mob rule.


Why even bother to have police at all if this is the way the law is protected?

3) I see that, as of late Tuesday night, the media is going berserk with rage about President Trump saying there were lawbreakers on both sides in C-ville. But clearly, Mr. Trump was right. The pro-statue people were strange looking, but they had a permit and they had the First Amendment. The ones who attacked them with clubs were the instigators.

Yes, of course I hate anyone who even hints at sympathy for the Nazis.


But they have the right to speak when not inciting violence and when not committing violence. Otherwise, the Constitution is trash.

For Trump to point out that while the KKK and the Nazis are nauseating, they have free speech rights, is not only correct, but actually brave of him. To take on the MSM and say the Constitution is above the networks and the major newspapers makes him a hero.


I appreciate that Trump, who is tortured every day by a hate-filled free press, still defends free speech. His endurance is exemplary.


More to come, but for now, good for Donald Trump for taking the hard way out, and, I suspect, the far harder and more courageous way into a new media civil war. The Constitution or the MSM. Which side are you on, brother? Which side are you on?