Police to Monitor Social Media To Prevent Migrant Sex Mobs
Chris Tomilinson, Breitbart, December 9, 2016
German police in Cologne have one thing on their minds leading up until New Year’s Eve and that is to avoid a repeat of last year’s massive wave of sex attacks that took place outside the Cologne cathedral. One way they hope to achieve this is to actively read and research posts made on social media by migrants to see if they are organizing to gather and commit more attacks FOCUS Online reports.
According to the Cologne police, many of the sex mobs were organized via Facebook and Twitter and that if the police had known this beforehand they would have been able to properly react to the situation.
The police are now employing translators to scour the Facebook and Twitter feeds of migrants across the North Rhine-Westphalia region sand hope that they will add to already existing plans to beef up the security in and around areas like train stations and public squares.
After the more than 1,000 men and women who were assaulted, sexually attacked, and robbed by migrant gangs the police are looking to radical and innovative methods to prevent a repeat of last year. Ideas already proposed include the use of helicopters, “safe retreats” for women and even the registering of all asylum seekers who enter the areas.
Despite the fact that there were over 1,000 complaints the government has found little success in finding and prosecuting those responsible. Only 24 migrants have been successfully taken to court and convicted of crimes.