Posted on March 26, 2014
Girls to Be Charged as Adults in Temple Assaults
Aubrey Whelan, Philly, March 25, 2014
The District Attorney’s office will charge three teenage girls as adults in connection with several assaults on Temple students that took place Friday.
Najee Bilaal, 16, Zaria Estes, 15, and Kanesha Gainey, 15, have already been arraigned, D.A. spokeswoman Tasha Jamerson said. {snip}
Police connected the girls to three attacks that took place within 15 minutes around North 17th Street near Temple’s campus on Friday. In one incident, a female Temple student was smashed in the face with a brick, requiring hospitalization. Two other female students were punched and hit, police said.
[Editor’s Note: Pictures of three of the attackers can be found here.]