Arizona Officials, Fed Up With U.S. Efforts, Seek Donations to Build Border Fence
Marc Lacey, New York Times, July 19, 2011
Americans upset about illegal immigration have a new outlet for their rage: a fund set up by the State of Arizona that will use private donations to build a border wall.
{snip} But organizers in the State Legislature, which created the fund, say it will allow everyday people fed up with the inability of Congress to address the problem of illegal immigration to contribute personally to a solution.
{snip} The congressionally approved construction effort is winding up, but about 82 miles of Arizona’s 388 miles of border remain without a barrier, federal officials say.
“We are getting e-mails, calls and letters from all over the country,” said State Senator Steve Smith, a Republican who came up with the idea. “We had a business owner from California and individuals from Indiana. People want to do their part to help this country.”