Posted on October 16, 2018

What Do Blacks Want?

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, October 16, 2018

About a year ago, I was interviewed by a black video crew from Blackchannel films. Some of that footage has now been used in a just-released documentary called Race War. Last Saturday, I was invited to the New York City premiere of the movie, after which I took part in a panel discussion.

The movie was supported in part by crowdfunding, which raised $223,575 with the following appeal:

Since the election of Donald Trump to President, people have been asking ‘Is it racism?’ We are the first film in history that dares to ask, ‘Is it a race war?’ And are Black people the targets.

The film’s answer to both questions is a loud “yes.”

This view — that America despises blacks and is waging race war against them — appears to have prompted a real concern for my security as the only white person to take part in in the premiere. I was driven to the theater two hours before the 7:00 p.m. screening and kept in a “green room” while the audience arrived. A tall black security man shadowed me even when I visited the men’s room. When the theater was full, he ushered me to my reserved, front-row seat, surveyed the audience until the movie began, and stayed by me during the screening. After the movie and question period were over at 11:00 p.m., he ushered me out a side door to avoid any contact with the audience. Outside, there were several uniformed New York City police officers to make sure there were no threats as I got into a waiting car. The movie’s producer, Jason Black, explained to me that he was taking no chances.

The movie itself was a dreary succession of blacks explaining that, yes, there is a race war, that it has been going on since the Founding, and that it is being run straight out of the White House. Donald Trump and his entourage are all unapologetic white supremacists who merely say out loud what other whites think. The movie claims that the media demonize blacks and it takes for granted an abiding hatred for blacks on the part of essentially all whites.

Blacks are victims of a “criminal system of justice,” in which any accused black is “guilty until proven innocent.” Police departments are infiltrated by white supremacists — no, that understates the problem; departments hire white supremacists as a matter of policy. This is because the purpose of law enforcement is to control black people and lock up as many as possible. The movie recites the honor roll of innocent blacks slaughtered by white supremacy: Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, etc., etc.

One terrible problem blacks face is the treachery of “collaborators,” or blacks who work for the system. Black police officers are traitors; many are more brutal and racist than whites because they have swallowed the poison of white supremacy and hate other blacks. Blacks who succeed are bootlickers who win a few scraps from the table of white supremacy by helping oppress their own people. The movie implies that even Barack Obama is a tool of white domination.

Perhaps this explains why there are no prominent blacks in this movie. Relative unkowns, with names such as Ajamu Baraka, Bob Law, Cheryl Dorsey, Judge Joe Brown, Kaba Kamene, Lee Merritt, Mysonne, and Yusef Salaam, preach the movie’s relentless blame-whitey message. There are no apologists for liberalism, no acknowledgement of the slightest effort even to be fair to blacks, much less to offer them advantages.

The movie spends a lot of time on the “white supremacist” Unite the Right rally (UTR) and emphasizes the meager participation in the one-year-anniversary second UTR. The movie says many white leaders — Jason Kessler, Matt Heimbach, Chris Cantwell, Richard Spencer — have fallen from grace, and that rivalries within the “white supremacist” movement are tearing it apart.

Curiously, the only whites who speak on camera are myself and Richard Spencer. I deny that there is a race war, and add that it is ludicrous to think whites as a group are attacking “people of color.” I do agree that there is racial tension and misunderstanding, and say that the only solution is voluntary separation. Mr. Spencer says that there is a race war going on, and that whites will win. He says fairness and morality are irrelevant, that power and victory are all that matter.

At one point in the movie, I predict that if non-white immigration continues unchecked, and if society continues to encourage mixed marriage, in 200 years there will be no more whites in America. The audience applauded.

The movie concludes with speculation about solutions. One of the blacks says bluntly there is no solution; one says blacks must use their money to support and buy from each other; another says he thinks “justice will prevail” but does not explain what that would mean. The purpose of this movie is clearly not to offer solutions; it is to “document” the fundamental malevolence of whites.

The panel discussion after the screening was moderated by a light-skinned black named Thomas Lopez-Pierre, who is running for Manhattan Borough president under the slogan, “Stop Greedy Landlords.” The other participant was Kaba Kamene, who was once known as Booker Taliaferro Coleman, and who speaks on such subjects as “The Re-Education of the Negro” and “The Origin and History of the N-Word.”

I was asked to begin with 15 minutes of remarks. I objected to the basic assumption of the movie: that the United States is “white supremacist” and that whites are trying to keep blacks down. I explained that blacks flatter themselves if they think white people are scheming against them. White people are too busy making a living, paying for braces for the kids, and keeping the car repaired to think much about blacks at all. I said it is absurd to think anyone wants lots of blacks in jail, costing taxpayers $30,000 a year to incarcerate, rather than on the job and paying taxes. When Donald Trump brags about the low unemployment rate for blacks, I asked, is he secretly angry that so many blacks are working and wants more of them in jail? I said that if “white supremacy” means white people want to rule over people of other races, there may not be a single white supremacist in America. I said I found it inexplicable that a “white supremacist” country is reducing whites to a minority and treating Asians better than it treats whites.

Mr. Kamene explained it was important to be suspicious of all whites. Republicans are wolves and Democrats are foxes, but both are species of dog. He told a story about an exorcism in which a priest identified the source of evil: “There is only one devil in the room.” By this, Mr. Kamene meant whites, whose racism he called “psychopathic.” He encouraged the audience to read books by Frances Cress Welsing, who taught that whites are descended from albino mutants and that melanin has semi-magical powers. He also explained that black Africans originally spread to every part of the world, including the Americas.

Several times, I explained that to me the only solution to racial conflict was voluntary separation. I told the audience I wanted blacks to be the best blacks they could ever be, and that this meant creating their own society in which they ran the government, the police force, and the school system, and where they could control their own destiny.

Instead, Mr. Kamene and Mr. Lopez-Pierre repeatedly said blacks just need more money; they should believe in themselves, start their own businesses, and buy from each other. Mr. Lopez-Pierre said my ideas about separation were “dangerous.” I wanted to know why I was “dangerous” and got no reply. I finally accused everyone in the room of “thinking small,” of being unwilling to seek real freedom. “Think big,” I told them. “Build Wakanda.” This got a small round of applause. I also said Louis Farrakhan is a fraud because he claims to want to build a true “nation” of Islam, but never moves a muscle in the direction of separation. “He wants to stay on the white man’s plantation,” I said, and make the most from living around white people. I said the black man I really admired was Marcus Garvey, who asked nothing from whites and wanted blacks to build their own paradise.

Questions from the audience were not encouraging. One woman wanted to know if the Spanish Inquisition was over. I said it was. Another wanted to know how we could be trusted to make a fair deal on separation, since whites can never be trusted. I said that when you realize that separation is the only solution, you will do whatever is necessary to make it happen. Another woman warned that if whites got their own territory, they would not live as well as they do now because there would be no blacks to exploit, so how could she be sure we would not come after them again? I explained that Scandinavia and Switzerland and Eastern Europe are doing fine without black people and that a white ethnostate would do fine, too. There was still a long line of questioners at 11:00 p.m. when we had to clear the theater. I would have liked to talk to people in the audience, but I was quickly marched out a side door.

All in all, the evening was a disappointment. Maybe the audience was expecting the usual white pleas for forgiveness, and promises to try harder not to be “racist.” No one even in this sharply racially conscious group had half the courage of Marcus Garvey. If I had it to do over again, I would not have stopped with accusing them of thinking of small. I would have told them they don’t believe in themselves, that deep down they believe they need the white man, much as they may hate him. I would have said that the reason they and Louis Farrakhan don’t want their own country is that they know they would end up with Haiti, not Wakanda. I would have called them cowards who want to go on leeching off the white man.

I had good security; I should have used it.

Here are the first 35 minutes of the more than hour-long panel discussion and Q and A that followed the screening. Introductions and other preliminaries take up the first 7-1/2 minutes. The comments on YouTube, almost exclusively by black viewers, are edifying.