Archive | Henry Wolff | Page 697

October 18, 2004
October 15, 2004

Airport Insanity Washington Times

Columnist asks why airlines have put so many whites on watchlists.
October 14, 2004
October 13, 2004
October 12, 2004

Ad Brings Stereotype Charge Los Angeles Times

Republican campaign ad on illegal immigration and welfare shows dark-skinned hands counting money.

An Agonizing Choice Creative Loafing

Former Republican congressman may not be able to bring himself to vote for Pres. Bush.
October 11, 2004

National Pride Draws Penalty St. Petersburg Times

Riot between Hispanics and whites after Hispanics bring Latin American flags to high school.
October 8, 2004

Mayor Wants More Sweeps Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Cal.)

Cal. mayor recieves excuses and complaints for asking Border Patrol to round up illegals.

Art Meets Spell-Check Miami Herald

Truly artistic people wouldn't have noticed spelling errors in mural, says Hispanic artist.