US Citizen Spouses and Children of Unauthorized Immigrants Were Shut Out of Stimulus Relief. Now They’re Suing. May 6, 2020 MALDEF says the CARES Act "discriminates against mixed-status couples."
Relief Aid Racism: AfriForum and Solidarity Approach Constitutional Court May 5, 2020 The continued fight against anti-white Covid-19 relief policies.
Underfunded Native Nations Battle Coronavirus Outbreaks May 4, 2020 $1 billion in COVID-related funding isn't enough for their 3,600 cases.
Tourism Department Wins BEE Case May 4, 2020 "Economic inclusivity" for everyone except white South Africans.
Trump Wants to Use Coronavirus Aid as Leverage to Force Blue States to Change Immigration Policies April 29, 2020 The President wants "adjustments" to sanctuary policies.
Tourism: Decision to Give Relief Funds to BEE Firms Faces Legal Challenge April 29, 2020 South African government gives affirmative-action handouts.
Schumer: Small-Business Loans Were Delayed to Help Minority Communities April 23, 2020 Priorities, you know.
NBC Article Includes Three Sob Stories About Immigrants Who Don’t Have Enough Money to Send Back Remittances. April 21, 2020 Illegals are concentrated in the service industry.
Immigrants Seize Pandemic as Opportunity to Prove Worth to U.S Economy April 20, 2020 And Trump is waffling.
Documenting Zimbabwe’s Decline April 18, 2020 Today marks the 40th anniversary of Zimbabwean independence.
Why We Need Reparations for Black Americans April 18, 2020 "[R]acial wealth disparities reveal fallacies in the American Dream."
Immigration and Inequality April 17, 2020 An excerpt from Christopher Caldwell's The Age of Entitlement.
California to Give Cash Payments to Immigrants Hurt by Virus April 16, 2020 $500 each to illegal immigrants.
Editorial: The Danger of Denying Coronavirus Relief to Undocumented Immigrants April 15, 2020 "We must demand our lawmakers expand relief to this vulnerable population, too."
Reparations Will Cure the Racial Wealth Gap April 13, 2020 Black American wants African nations that practiced slavery to pay up.
‘Use Your Own Fortune’: Church of Sweden Grilled After Seeking Coronavirus Aid Packages for Migrants April 13, 2020 "[C]alls for Christian charity don’t seem to extend to the country’s own citizens."
Nigerian Fool’s Gold: Behind the ‘419’ Scams April 12, 2020 For many Africans, fraud is a form of ‘reparations.’
Black Death Rates are ‘Alarming.’ White Rates Aren’t? April 10, 2020 Yet another racial disparity to grieve over.
Ayanna Pressley: Next Coronavirus Stimulus Should Support Illegal Immigrants April 10, 2020 And prisoners, too.
Newsom Is Working on Wuhan Coronavirus Aid Package for Illegal Immigrants in California April 8, 2020 “Californians care deeply about undocumented residents in this state.”
Chicago Mayor’s Executive Order Grants Coronavirus Benefits to Illegal Immigrants April 8, 2020 Includes housing assistance and low-interest loans for small businesses.
Land Repossessions Were Disastrous for Zimbabwe. Will South Africa Repeat the Same Mistakes? April 6, 2020 Ironically, Zimbabwe just (officially) reversed its land grab policy.
Third World Immigrant Medical Workers Exploited by NYC Democrats April 4, 2020 Even during a crisis, they accept lower pay than Americans.
AOC Wants Coronavirus Reparations for Minorities: ‘Inequality is a Comorbidity’ April 4, 2020 "[T]he chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. are underlying health conditions."
Coronavirus Bill Includes $350 Million for Migration, Refugee Assistance March 27, 2020 Bill passed the senate unanimously.
Chutzpah: ADL Wants a Federal Bailout March 25, 2020 "Crying 'racism' and 'diversity' to fill coffers and silence political opponents exacerbated the current catastrophe."
What Next for the Democratic Socialists of America? March 12, 2020 Will their white burnouts come our way?
South Africa: Economic Transformation Can’t Be Achieved Through ‘Sweet Talk’ – Malema March 6, 2020 "I am happy I'm speaking to black elites here."
The Rise of Black Businesses and Homeownership Won’t Close the Racial Wealth Gap March 5, 2020 Reparations are essential.
Open Borders Bernie Sanders Wants Full Government Benefits for Illegal Aliens February 24, 2020 "When I say 'all,' I also mean the undocumented in this country."
Latino Voters Favor Raising Minimum Wage, Government Involvement in Health Care, Stricter Gun Laws February 21, 2020 Natural conservatives.
During New Hampshire Democrat Debate, Elizabeth Warren Advocates for “Race-Conscious Laws” to Uplift Blacks at the Expense of White America February 10, 2020 The pandering is intensifying.
Groveling, and Prostrating: Democrats on Blacks During the Last Debate February 8, 2020 A race to the bottom.
Video: Swing Voter Calls Out Bernie Sanders: Did Donor Class Make You Embrace Mass Immigration? February 8, 2020 Questioner was a poor white woman.
Mass Immigration Has Oversized Negative Impact on Low Immigration States, Finds New FAIR Analysis February 6, 2020 In those states, "each illegal alien resident carried a net tax deficit of between $4,000 and $6,500 annually."
Mexicans Abroad Send Record US $36 Billion Back Home in 2019 February 5, 2020 Seven percent more than in 2018.
‘This Was Supposed to Be Reparations’ Why is LA’s Cannabis Industry Devastating Black Entrepreneurs? February 4, 2020 “Social equity” program hasn't catered narrowly enough to blacks.
Land Expropriation: Public Gets One More Month to Comment, WhatsApp Number to Be Set Up January 30, 2020 "Nobody should fear that we are going to overlook what people are saying."
DACA Illegal Alien Rewarded $19K in Taxpayer Money After Pleading Guilty to Reckless Driving January 29, 2020 Big win for the ACLU.
Expropriation: A Bad Turn for Land Reform, Dire Turn for the Country January 28, 2020 Author tries to warn fellow South Africans about what's coming.
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Allocated $1-Billion by Kenney Government January 28, 2020 That's "billion" with a "b."
Spotlight on HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) January 27, 2020 Over the last decade, the group has received $186 million in federal funding.
Sanctuary California in Decline January 24, 2020 Its citizens are fleeing — especially the ones who pay taxes.
Governor of Puerto Rico Sacks Two More Emergency Officials Who Say There Could Be Other Forgotten Warehouses Full of Hurricane Maria Disaster Aid January 20, 2020 Governor: "There have been actions by government officials that have been completely unacceptable."
Bloomberg Offers Plan to Tackle Racial Economic Inequality January 20, 2020 Bloomberg: "[M]y story would have turned out very differently if I had been black."
CBO: Immigration Has ‘Negative Effect on Wages’ January 10, 2020 Regardless of whether the immigrants are legal or not.
Native American ‘Land Taxes’: A Step on the Roadmap for Reparations January 3, 2020 West Coast Indians belly up to the trough.
The Election Conservatives Want is One They Can’t Win December 28, 2019 Bernie Sanders would be a very tough opponent.
Liberals’ ‘Humanitarian’ Open Arms is Not a Solution to Migrant Crisis; Radical Economic Changes Are Needed December 27, 2019 Slavoj Zizek hits liberals from the Left on immigration.
The Great Replacement in Belgium December 18, 2019 The Flemings and Walloons now have a reason to unite.
Pete Buttigieg Pledges ‘A New Era for Latinos’ by Targeting Trump Policies December 17, 2019 Pandering is intensifying.
Letter to the Editors: Focus on Poor, Seniors, Rather Than Immigrants December 12, 2019 Democrat notes his party's cognitive dissonance.
Michael Bloomberg: Unacceptable Presidential Candidate December 11, 2019 When it comes to immigration, he may be the worst candidate.
Relief Commission Discriminated Against Black Halifax Explosion Victims 100 Years Ago December 10, 2019 Blacks want reparations in Canada, too.
Byrne: Americans Billed $60B a Year to Educate Illegal Aliens, Anchor Babies December 6, 2019 Not to mention the amount splashed out on ESL programs.
US City to Pay Reparations to African-American Community With Tax on Marijuana Sales December 5, 2019 "The tax is expected to generate between $500,000 and $750,000 annually for the reparations fund."
Italy’s Leftist Government to Hand Out More Cash to Migrants Than Disabled Italians November 8, 2019 20 Euros per day for migrants; 54¢ per day for disabled Italians.
Report: Immigration Encourages Job Discrimination Against Americans October 30, 2019 Especially black Americans.
Young Asian Americans Turn to Farming as a Means of Cultural Reclamation October 28, 2019 Over 95 percent of US farm producers are white.
Dream of Owning a Home Became a Nightmare October 21, 2019 How programs to encourage black homeownership ended with tens of thousands of foreclosures.