Ozawa Positive About Granting Local Voting Rights to Non-Japanese September 29, 2009 Japanese prime minister going goofy.
Japan Looks to Robots to Fill Jobs September 3, 2009 Getting robots to do the jobs Japanese don't want to do.
Sun Sets on Migrants’ Japanese Dreams August 27, 2009 Japan sends Japanese-Brazilians back to Brazil.
Higher Incomes Equal Higher Test Results: Study August 7, 2009 Japanese have yet to discover genetics.
Asylum-Seekers Facing Destitution August 7, 2009 Japanese stingy with financial support for asylum seekers.
Fertility Rates Climb Back Up in the Most Developed Countries August 6, 2009 Scholar's theory: Women with high salaries can afford to have more children.
Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence May 18, 2009 They may let you stay if you have won a Nobel Prize.
Japan to Immigrants: Thanks, But You Can Go Home Now April 20, 2009 Japanese government paying immigrants to go home and never return.
Antiforeigner Discrimination is a Right for Japanese People January 19, 2009 Western egalitarians need to let the Japanese remain Japanese.
Japan Opens Nationality to Kids Born out of Wedlock December 5, 2008 Children of unmarried foreign women eligible if Japanese father acknowledges them.
Foreigner-Free Japan Hotels Want to Stay That Way October 9, 2008 Almost 40 percent of hotels and inns don’t want foreign guests.
Ainu Rise Up From the Margins of Japanese Society August 11, 2008 "Ainu Rebels" celebrate their heritage with hip-hop music.
Japan Must Boost Immigration—Ruling Party Panel June 13, 2008 Panel wants immigrants to make up 10 percent of the population within 50 years.
Japanese are Loath to Rebuild Workforce through Immigration May 30, 2008 Japanese resisting advice to open their country to foreigners.
Japanese Youth Help Compatriots Embrace Diversity January 21, 2008 Not all Japanese understand the value of homogeneity.
Desperately Seeking Students January 18, 2008 Low birth rates mean up to 40% of Japanese universities could go bust.
New Robot Suit to Assist Japanese Farmers January 15, 2008 Will help "difficult to replace" farm population.
Cash for Kids: Japan’s Employers Offer ‘Baby Bonuses’ June 8, 2007 Corporate Japan doing its part to boost the birthrate.
Japan Will Allow More Immigration, Official Says May 24, 2007 Cabinet minister: Japan needs foreign workers to keep economy growing.
20,000 In Language Pickle / Foreign Students In Need Of Specialized Japanese Teachers May 23, 2007 Language problems arise even though the foreign-born population is only 1.63 percent of the total.
Japan Diplomat: Blonds ‘No Good’ In Mideast Talks March 23, 2007 Foreign minister: "Luckily, we Japanese have yellow faces."
Japanese Film To Show Nostalgia For ‘Bravery’ Of Kamikaze Pilots March 1, 2007 Japan regaining pride in its past.
S. Korean Name-Change Law Aids Illegal Reentry To Japan February 23, 2007 Change your name; get into Japan.
Foreign Permanent Residents On Rise, Filling Gaps January 4, 2007 Foreigners becoming larger proportion of Japan's labor force.
Donors Fund UCLA Chair On Japanese American Internment October 9, 2006 Endowed chair devoted to promoting white guilt.
This Is The New Japan September 5, 2006 Immigration is beginning to transform a nation proud of its homogeneity.
Robots To Offer Japan’s Elderly New Lease On Life July 22, 2005 Japan looks to robots rather than immigrants to fill labor void.
Foreign Mothers Fight For Children’s Futures July 20, 2005 Japanese citizenship is not automatic for children of non-Japanese mothers.
IC ‘Gaijin’ Card Shares Personal Info June 9, 2005 Japan makes foreigners carry a special information card.
Child Shortage Raises Long-Term Fears for Japan April 11, 2005 2,000 schools have closed in Japan in the last 10 years due to birth dearth.
Asia Is Winning Prominence in Science, Technology March 15, 2005 Asia is catching up to America in scientific research.
Humanoids with Attitude March 15, 2005 Japanese use robots, not immigrants, to compensate for lack of native workers.
Japan Town to Pay Women Who Have 3rd Kid March 15, 2005 Another Japanese effort to fend off importing workers.
Japan Defies U.N., Deports Refugees January 20, 2005 UN told Japan it shouldn't deport Kurds. It did anyway.
Toyota to Staff Factories with Robots January 11, 2005 Japan uses technology, rather than immigration, to make up for shrinking native workforce.
For Visa Violators, It Pays To Come Clean December 2, 2004 Japan adopts tougher penalities for visa violators, illegal immigrants.
Condom Maker ID’s Sexiest Country October 14, 2004 Online survey shows the French have sex the most frequently and the Japanese, the least.
Japan Mulls Multicultural Dawn October 6, 2004 Japan considers loosening its immigration policy because of aging workforce.
Visa Violators Throw Selves At State’s Mercy September 23, 2004 Bangladeshi illegals want to shame Japanese government into letting them stay.
The Internment Taboo September 21, 2004 New book suggests wartime internment of US Japanese was justified.
Poll Finds Growing Crime Concern September 21, 2004 Crime increases in Japan; majority blames illegal immigrants.
The Case for Racial Profiling August 9, 2004 Michelle Malkin punctures myths about WWII Japanese relocation camps.
Book Defends WWII Internment Of Japanese Americans, Racial Profiling August 6, 2004 Michelle Malkin believes national security more important than non-whites' civil rights.
The Myth of the American “Concentration Camp” August 6, 2004 Michelle Malkin agrees with AR about Japanese relocation camps.