Dems: Illegal Immigrants Seeking Coronavirus Treatment Should Not Face Deportation March 17, 2020 Biden leads the charge.
Wuhan Epidemic: ACLU Sues to Release Migrants from Detention Centers March 17, 2020 Head of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus supports the move.
Canada to Close Borders to Most Non-Citizens, Stop Ill Travellers from Boarding Inbound Flights, PM Announces March 16, 2020 Trudeau decides he likes borders after all.
Since When Is Joe Biden a ‘Moderate’? March 16, 2020 He panders to non-whites just as much as Bernie Sanders.
The Nation We Are Becoming March 15, 2020 Immigration is profoundly changing the nation we will leave to our grandchildren.
Florida Legislature Passes Weakened E-Verify Bill March 13, 2020 Now 21 states have mandatory E-Verify.
‘Remain in Mexico’ Is Just One US Response to Asylum-Seekers March 13, 2020 Trump has at least four other policies to turn back bogus asylum seekers.
Open Borders Lobby Amid Coronavirus: Hike Refugee Inflow by 500 Percent, Protect Foreign Welfare-Dependents March 12, 2020 It wants more chain migration, too.
Bernie Sanders and the Wages of Pandering March 11, 2020 He won over non-whites, but at the cost of whites.
Supreme Court Gives Trump Win by Allowing ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy to Continue March 11, 2020 Asylum seekers will have to stay in Mexico while the US reviews their cases.
The Latino-Shaped Hole in Joe Biden’s Electability Argument March 10, 2020 Low Hispanic turnout could lead to GOP victories in several swing states.
DHS Secretary Chad Wolf Approves 35K H-2B Foreign Workers to Take U.S. Jobs March 6, 2020 Ten thousand are going to citizens of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.
DOJ Approves Plan to Collect DNA from Arrested Illegal Immigrants March 6, 2020 Refusal to give DNA will be a misdemeanor.
Mark Zuckerberg’s Lobby: Give Green Cards to All Foreign Graduates of U.S. Universities March 5, 2020 Republican Mike Lee is backing a bill that comes close to that.
What Part of ‘NO AMNESTY’ Doesn’t DC Understand? March 4, 2020 "Whoever is whispering in Trump's ear needs to be shoved aside."
Trump’s New Travel Ban Rattles Nigerian-Americans in Georgia March 3, 2020 President reportedly said that if they got visas, Nigerians would never “go back to their huts.”
Trump Shuns ‘Suicide Mission,’ Wins Over Hispanics Despite Strict Immigration Stance February 29, 2020 Some polls show him doing better with Hispanics in 2020 than Romney or McCain ever did.
Delhi Protests: Death Toll Climbs Amid Worst Religious Violence for Decades February 29, 2020 Hindus are burning down mosques in Delhi.
Naturalized Citizens Make Up Record One-in-Ten U.S. Eligible Voters in 2020 February 28, 2020 Most of them are Hispanic or Asian.
The Department of Justice Creates Section Dedicated to Denaturalization Cases February 27, 2020 New DOJ wing will "litigate the denaturalization of terrorists, war criminals, sex offenders, and other fraudsters."
There Is No American Worker Shortage February 26, 2020 "'We ordinary Americans don't need more immigrants."
Indian Police Issues Shoot-At-Sight Orders as Death Toll Reaches 13 in Citizenship Law-Related Violence February 26, 2020 "Over 180 people including policemen were injured in the violence."
What Beltway Conservatives Say About Immigration February 26, 2020 Best wishes to all the AR readers attending CPAC this week.
ICE Ignores California Laws and Arrests Illegal Aliens at the Courthouse Door February 25, 2020 A win for the rule of law.
Greyhound to Stop Allowing Border Patrol on Buses for Immigration Checks February 25, 2020 Company will include stickers on its buses saying it doesn't consent to ICE searches.
Proposed Immigration Bill Would Destroy Immigration Law Enforcement February 24, 2020 New Way Forward Act would make the U.S. a sanctuary country.
Report: Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Stopping Anchor Baby Schemes February 24, 2020 Pregnant women are being turned away at the border.
How Hindu Supremacists are Tearing India Apart February 24, 2020 They're a powerful force against the country's Muslim minority.
Arizona Migrant Detention Facilities, Where Some Sleep in Bathroom Stalls, are Unfit for Humans, Judge Rules February 22, 2020 So why not allocate more money to build more detention facilities?
UK: The Tories Still Haven’t Decided Whether They Want to Reduce Immigration or Control It February 21, 2020 New points-based will supposedly reduce low-skilled migration.
Kobach Courts Trump as Senate GOP Frets over Kansas Seat February 21, 2020 An endorsement from the President could be decisive.
Warren: Everyone Here Illegally Must Be Able to Secure American Citizenship February 20, 2020 "Not only for DREAMers."
Brexit Might Actually Make the UK More Racially Diverse February 20, 2020 Which probably isn't what Brexit voters were hoping for.
Green Cards for Travel Ban Foreign Nationals Cut by Less Than Five Percent February 18, 2020 So much for the "Muslim Ban."
Photos: A Look at Mexico’s Southern Border February 16, 2020 The Suchiate River needs as much protection as the Rio Grande.
‘Will They Take My Kids Away?’: the Immigrants Refusing Food Aid Amid Trump Crackdown February 15, 2020 So much for the claim that immigrants never use welfare.
Nigeria May Be Part of Trump’s Travel Ban, But Nigerians Tend to Trust Trump February 14, 2020 "President Trump is saying the things we know everybody is thinking."
UK Deportations to Jamaica Not the ‘New Windrush,’ Sending Foreign Rapists and Murderers Home Shouldn’t Be Controversial February 13, 2020 Judicial obstruction in Britain.
Throw the Bums Out! February 12, 2020 Supreme Court upholds President Trump’s power to exclude “public charges.”
Attorney General William Barr Makes Announcement on Sanctuary Cities February 11, 2020 "[T]he dangers to public safety as a result of sanctuary polices cannot be understated."
Photos: An Appeal to ICE in Atlanta, Georgia — Detain and Deport These Men February 10, 2020 Gov. Kemp is doing nothing, but ICE can still act.
New Travel Restrictions on Six Countries and Updated Process for Evaluating Foreign Country Compliance February 10, 2020 Details on the new travel ban.
After Iowa, Whites Need to Worry February 8, 2020 We don’t want Bernie Sanders to win the nomination.
Video: Tucker Carlson Warns of ‘Radical’ New Way Forward Act Protecting Criminals from Deportation February 7, 2020 It's "the single most radical piece of legislation we have ever seen proposed in this country — ever."
India: Modi’s Strong and Silent Approach May Have Tamed the Beast of the Anti-Citizenship Act Protests February 7, 2020 PM isn't caving to pressure.
Trump Travel Ban Extension Leaves Africans Angry and Disappointed February 6, 2020 New restrictions apply to Eritrea, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sudan, Kyrgyzstan, and Myanmar.
Trump Administration Bans Everyone from New York from Qualifying for Trusted Traveler Programs February 6, 2020 Because the state is now giving illegal immigrants driver's licenses.
Trump’s State of the Union Touts Border Wall, Ending Sanctuary Cities, Stopping Illegal Migration February 5, 2020 Claims 500 more miles of border wall will be built this year.
The Trump Administration Has Started Sending Brazilian Asylum Seekers Back to Mexico January 30, 2020 60,000 asylum seekers are waiting in Mexico for their court dates.
Illegal Alien Serves a Year in Prison for Killing Father of Ten January 28, 2020 He had been released by the Obama administration after hopping the border.
The Dawn of Overpopulation Dynamics: Earth Day 1970 January 28, 2020 "If left unattended, humanity grows at 1 billion every 12 years."
Trump’s Goal of Keeping Out Low-Income Immigrants Just Got a Big Boost from the Supreme Court January 27, 2020 Another nationwide injunction quashed.
Sanctuary California in Decline January 24, 2020 Its citizens are fleeing — especially the ones who pay taxes.
Mexico: Government Rounding Up Migrants to Protect Them from Crime Gangs January 24, 2020 Central Americans continue to pour over the Suchiate River.
Trump Administration Rolls Out New Rule to Limit ‘Birth Tourism’ January 23, 2020 "[P]regnant women . . . could be required to prove they have a specific reason for travel beyond giving birth."
Trump’s Call to Dramatically Expand the Travel Ban, Explained January 23, 2020 New countries may be: Belarus, Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania.
Boris Johnson to Ditch £30k Salary Rule for Immigrants to Come to Britain Within 12 Months January 23, 2020 "Conservatives" strike again.
Two Immigrants, a Pastor, and a US Army Sergeant Convicted for Marriage/Immigration Scheme January 22, 2020 Even the pastor got justice.
India: Citizenship Amendment Act: Court Refuses to Put Controversial Law on Hold January 22, 2020 Good news for non-Muslims.
‘Why Haven’t You Shut Down the Border?’: Inside Trump’s White House January 21, 2020 An excerpt from: A Very Stable Genius: Donald J Trump’s Testing of America.
A Welcoming and Safe America for All January 17, 2020 This might explain the old white man's considerable Hispanic support.
29 Criminal Aliens Released by Franklin County Sheriff’s Office in Recent Weeks January 16, 2020 The wages of "sanctuary cities."
Trump ‘Abused’ and ‘Harassed’ Kirstjen Nielsen Over Border, New Book Reveals January 16, 2020 More evidence that the President's instincts are good.
Judge Blocks Trump’s Executive Order Allowing Local Officials to Reject Refugees January 15, 2020 Just a week after Texas chose to reject refugees.
A Fair and Welcoming Immigration System January 15, 2020 Sen. Warren: "Diversity makes our country strong."