Jeff Sessions Slams Alabama Senate Runoff Opponent Tuberville as ‘Empty Suit’ in Last-Ditch Appeal to Voters July 8, 2020 He appeared on Tucker Carlson's show.
Hungary Won’t Comply with EU Travel Recommendations, PM Says July 8, 2020 Opening up travel "would go against the health care interests of the Hungarian people."
ICE to Require Students on Visas to Leave Universities That Transition to Fully Online July 7, 2020 Such students who stay in the US will face deportation.
Hong Kong: UK Makes Citizenship Offer to Residents July 1, 2020 Offer made to up to three million Hong Kong residents.
SCOTUS Rules for Trump Administration in Deportation Case June 25, 2020 Can boot some asylum-seekers without a court hearing.
Trump Announces New Visa Restrictions on Immigrant Workers but Exempts Agriculture, Food Service, Health June 23, 2020 Will go into effect tomorrow.
Canada Has an Unused Card Up Its Sleeve Against China: Our Immigration System June 20, 2020 The trick is to give Hong Kongers asylum.
DACA Decision Shows the Constitution Has Failed June 19, 2020 Voting GOP “for good judges” isn’t much of an argument anymore.
Supreme Court Blocks Trump’s Bid to End DACA, a Win for Undocumented ‘Dreamers’ June 18, 2020 Clarence Thomas calls it "an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision."
Kevin MacDonald’s The Culture of Critique: A Provocative Analysis of the Causes of White Decline June 7, 2020 Notes on a theory.
Boris Johnson Says 3M People in Hong Kong Will Get Path to British Citizenship June 5, 2020 "This would amount to one of the biggest changes in our visa system in British history."
Fortune 500 Lobby Tells Trump: Your Visa Worker Curbs May Cause Discrimination May 26, 2020 Any excuse to bring in more cheap labor.
The Party’s Over — No More Guest(worker)s May 23, 2020 A Presidential Proclamation on guestworkers is expected soon.
Donald Trump Shuts Huge Migrant Pipeline Run by Coyotes, Federal Agencies May 22, 2020 It's brought nearly 500,000 "migrant youths" to the US since 2008.
College Students Ask Trump to Halt ‘Egregious’ H-1B Visa, OPT Program May 22, 2020 Thirty student organizations signed the letter.
Covid 19 Coronavirus: Winston Peters Tells Struggling Migrant Workers ‘You Should Probably Go Home’ May 13, 2020 Because taxpayers can't afford to support them.
Citing Coronavirus, Trump Officials Refuse to Release Migrant Kids to Sponsors — and Deport Them Instead May 12, 2020 Some believe officials are using COVID-19 to hold minors until they are eighteen and easier to deport.
Open Borders: Supreme Court Says Criminal Can’t Be Deported to Country with Worse Healthcare than UK May 11, 2020 His native Zimbabwe could offer only "inhuman or degrading treatment."
Inside the Campaign to Cut Immigration to the United States Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic May 8, 2020 Stephen Millers says it's time to "turn off the faucet of new immigrant labor" to protect Americans' jobs.
US Top Court Tosses Ruling Against Illegal Immigration Encouragement Law May 8, 2020 Many legal merits of the case remain unresolved.
Republicans, Immigration Hawks Call on Trump to Further Expand Immigration Restrictions Amid Economic Woes May 7, 2020 "We cannot be importing foreign labor to compete with Americans for whatever jobs are left.”
U.S. Suspends Protections for Migrant Kids at Border, Expelling Hundreds Amid Pandemic May 6, 2020 CBP commissioner: "The disease doesn't know age."
Malaysia Detains Hundreds of Refugees and Migrants During Virus Lockdown: Rights Groups May 2, 2020 Photos show migrants being "packed in trucks" bound for "cramped and unhygienic" detention centers.
Trump Loses Sanctuary City Fight with Chicago May 1, 2020 Appeals court ruled that his threat to withhold grants was an "overstep in authority."
Miami Federal Judge Orders ICE to Release 1,200 Non-Violent Undocumented Immigrants From Three South Florida Centers Amid Coronavirus Fears May 1, 2020 "Nobody deserves to die in detention."
Asylum Applications in EU Drop by 43% Due to Coronavirus Restrictions May 1, 2020 Bans on non-essential travel make it tough for "refugees."
Serial Rapist Cannot Be Deported from Sweden Because He Was Child Refugee April 30, 2020 The African migrant has attempted to rape men, women, and children.
Trump Wants to Use Coronavirus Aid as Leverage to Force Blue States to Change Immigration Policies April 29, 2020 The President wants "adjustments" to sanctuary policies.
Re-Reading Peter Brimelow’s Alien Nation 25 Years Later April 25, 2020 A reflection by Peter Bradley.
Italy, China, and the Coronavirus April 24, 2020 Outbreak spotlights huge, unassimilated Chinese colony in Italy.
Tucker: Executive Order Fails to Protect American Jobs April 22, 2020 "Why would you hurt your own people when they're already hurting?"
Trump to Sign Executive Order Limiting Immigration Wednesday April 22, 2020 Order "will not apply to those entering on a temporary basis."
Trump’s Immigration Moratorium Will Be Great — If It’s Real April 21, 2020 Is he once again speaking loudly and carrying a small stick?
Czech President Milos Zeman Says Nation’s Borders Should Stay Closed for a Year to Prevent Second Wave of COVID-19 April 20, 2020 Lesson in there.
ICE to Release Almost 700 Undocumented Immigrants at Highest Risk from Coronavirus from Its Overcrowded Detention Centers April 16, 2020 Evangelical and Baptist leaders led the pressure campaign.
Jeff Sessions: Stop Immigration Until Americans Return to Work April 16, 2020 “Under my plan, we will put Americans back to work before we bring in more foreign labor."
Coronavirus Crisis: Refugee Agencies Lobby for Mass Immigration to U.S. April 13, 2020 The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society lead the charge.
Italy Closes Ports to Rescue Ships, Targeting Migrants April 10, 2020 International NGOs are not happy.
China: Fuzhou Offers Up to $71,000 for Clues on Illegal Immigrants Amid Pressure of COVID-19 Imported Cases April 10, 2020 Sea patrols are to be stepped up as well.
The Long History of US Racism Against Asian Americans, from ‘Yellow Peril’ to ‘Model Minority’ to the ‘Chinese Virus’ April 8, 2020 Some long-form bellyaching.
The Immigration Policy That Might Have Been April 5, 2020 A reply to Lynne Richards' review of "The Path to National Suicide."
The Biden Plan for Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants April 4, 2020 First sentence: "It is a moral failing and a national shame when a father and his baby daughter drown seeking our shores."
E.U. Court Rules 3 Countries Violated Deal on Refugee Quotas April 3, 2020 Unclear how EU plans to punish Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic.
Denmark Accused of Using Virus Law to Crack Down on Immigrants April 3, 2020 Steal a face mask or hand sanitizer, get deported.
Welcome to the PC (Post Coronavirus) Era April 2, 2020 ". . . a dangerous virus is not a matter of racism and xenophobia — but survival."
Sex and Smuggling Under HHS as Feds Charge Shelter Worker with Helping Illegal Immigrant Teen Escape April 2, 2020 A tale of lust, loss, and an "Unaccompanied Alien Child."
Portugal: Migrants Granted Residency Rights Amid COVID-19 Pandemic April 2, 2020 They'll get the same rights to medical care.
Immigration Activists Take to Streets, Demand ICE Release Migrants Being Held in Custody April 1, 2020 “Hey hey, ho ho, racist ICE has got to go.”
‘Dreamers’ Tell Supreme Court Ending DACA During Pandemic Would Be ‘Catastrophic’ March 31, 2020 "Dreamers" make up "an army of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, technicians, researchers and other health care workers."
Judge Urges Release of Migrant Children After 4 Test Positive for Coronavirus in Detention March 30, 2020 Once released, wouldn't they risk infecting the general population?
‘I Have a Broken Heart’: Trump Policy Has Immigrants Backing Away from Healthcare Amid Crisis March 30, 2020 “We don’t consider ourselves a public burden.”
Civil Rights Orgs to ICE: Protect Immigrant Detainees from COVID-19 or Release Them March 27, 2020 The Southern Poverty Law Center leads the charge.
China Bars Foreigners from Entry Amid Covid-19 Pandemic – Foreign Ministry March 26, 2020 Even those with valid visas will be barred.
Trump Administration Delays Court Hearings for Asylum-Seekers in Mexico Amid Pandemic: Report March 25, 2020 Postponed indefinitely; they'll stay in Mexico.
Border Closed to “Nonessential” Travel. How Do You Define It? Mexican President Still Considers Border Open March 24, 2020 Uncertainty still reigns.
Suit Seeks Release of Immigrant Families Due to Virus Risk March 23, 2020 Detainment centers are gatherings of more than 10 people, after all.
Trump Announces U.S.-Mexico Border Closure to Stem Spread of Coronavirus March 20, 2020 "The United States and Mexico have agreed to restrict nonessential travel across our border."
DHS to Accelerate Award of H-1B Visas Amid Disease Shutdown March 20, 2020 Couldn't come at a worse time.
Coronavirus Infections Top 2,000 in Austria, More Border Controls Imposed March 20, 2020 "Borders remain open only with the Czech Republic and Slovakia."
Australia, New Zealand Closing Borders to Foreigners in Bid to Contain Coronavirus March 20, 2020 Australia PM: "The overwhelming proportion of cases in Australia have been imported."
US and Canada Will Close Border to ‘Nonessential’ Traffic Due to Coronavirus – Trump March 18, 2020 No word yet on the US-Mexico border.
Because of the Coronavirus, Borders Suddenly Matter March 18, 2020 "Borders are our nation’s first line of defense and last line of defense."