California Finds a New Way to Be Soft on Crime March 6, 2024 "What would happen if lawmakers reinvented the criminal-justice system to target 'systemic racism' instead of crime?"
Insurrections and Double Standards January 11, 2022 Heather Mac Donald hits another one out of the park.
Taking Stock of a Most Violent Year January 26, 2021 Heather Mac Donald lays out the facts in her usual irrefutable way.
Biden-Harris Aim to Cripple Cops Nationwide in Name of Black Lives Matter November 16, 2020 Biden claims a mandate to eliminate "systemic racism."
Protesters Demand Cops Let Themselves Be Stabbed or Shot September 15, 2020 "If the nation’s police officers walked off the job today, it would be hard to blame them."
Black Lives Matter Narrative Gets Destroyed in Less Than 40 Minutes August 4, 2020 Even Heather Mac Donald was censored on YouTube.
Oregon County Creates Race-Specific ‘Grounding Space’ to Escape ‘Whiteness’ During Pandemic April 28, 2020 Portlanders of color self-isolate from "whiteness."
Is New York Too Soft On Crime? An Interview with Crime Expert and Author Heather Mac Donald February 28, 2020 "The only way to avoid having a disparate impact is getting rid of criminal laws entirely."
A Platform of Urban Decline September 30, 2019 Heather Mac Donald lays bare the truth about interracial crime.
The Solution to Our Immigration Problem August 11, 2019 "The Immigration Solution: A Better Plan Than Today’s" — a perfect book for waverers.
There Is No Epidemic of Racist Police Shootings August 1, 2019 “It is a racial group’s rate of violent crime that determines police shootings, not the race of the officer.”
The College Bureaucracy That Never Shrinks June 3, 2019 Colleges should detail their spending on diversity bureaucrats.
At Yale, ‘Diversity’ Means More of the Same April 25, 2019 How diversicrats capitalized on a bogus "racism" claim.
California Passed an Anti-Affirmative Action Law, And Colleges Ignored It September 4, 2018 Diversity is the supreme value.
“Emergency” at Yale: Qualified Judge Named to Court! July 13, 2018 “People will die if he is confirmed.”
The Worst Side of Trump: His Torture of Sessions Reveals The Putrid Power of the President’s Example June 6, 2018 "If Trump is reelected it will be because Jeff Sessions has tirelessly focused on immigration reform."
How Identity Politics Is Harming the Sciences May 14, 2018 "Diversity" is the priority from admissions to classrooms to the workplace.
Who Misbehaves? April 20, 2018 Black students are disciplined more often because they misbehave more often.
Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from NYC’s Murder Drop December 29, 2017 Correct lesson: Fewer blacks means less crime.
The False ‘Science’ of Implicit Bias October 10, 2017 Implicit bias: another theory with no predictive power.
The Truth About Police Violence Against Black Men September 22, 2017 Unarmed black men are killed by police as often as they are hit by lightning.
Law and Order, Under New Management March 2, 2017 Heather Mac Donald on the promise of Trump and Sessions.
America’s Murder Rate Is Rising At Its Fastest Pace Since The Early 1970s February 13, 2017 And the clearance rate is falling, especially for black men.
CNN Fans More Hatred of Cops, in Touting Flawed Study December 23, 2016 Here are the facts CNN chose to ignore.
Democrats, Not Trump, Racialize Our Politics November 28, 2016 "The Democratic Party is now merely an extension of left-wing campus culture."
Why Milwaukee Burns August 16, 2016 We are moving towards "a broader race war, in which only one side fights."
Trump Is Right About Crime July 25, 2016 "Trump’s speech was a bold and important shift in the prevailing discourse about policing and crime."
Academic Research on Police Shootings and Race July 21, 2016 Studies show police are less likely to shoot blacks than whites in similar situations.
Is Mass Incarceration Destroying American Communities? June 24, 2016 Heather Mac Donald dismantles more liberal myths.
How Chicago’s Streets Became the Wild West June 24, 2016 Detective: "From patrol to investigation, it’s almost an undoable job now."
The ‘Ferguson Effect’ Is Fueling a Growing Crime Wave May 26, 2016 In Chicago, pedestrian stops are down 90 percent and homicide is up 60 percent.
Is the ‘Ferguson Effect’ Real? Researcher Has Second Thoughts May 13, 2016 He now thinks "some version" accounts for the 17 percent increase in homicides in 2015.
The Danger of The “Black Lives Matter” Movement May 11, 2016 Heather Mac Donald supplies the facts on race and crime.
Don’t Blame Trump for Divisiveness When the Left Says Stuff Like This March 16, 2016 Black Lives Matter activists--and their apologists--have actually created a toxic environment.
The Myths of Black Lives Matter February 12, 2016 40 percent of cop-killers are black, but only 26 percent of people killed by police are black.
Racial Bean-Counting Is Making Schools Unsafe January 20, 2016 Lax suspension policies have caused crime to soar in NYC classrooms.
Trying to Hide the Rise of Violent Crime December 28, 2015 Heather Mac Donald shows that the "Ferguson effect" is real.
The Decriminalization Delusion October 29, 2015 Hard facts on crime, incarceration, and "black lives."
Microaggression, Macro-Crazy July 20, 2015 A look inside a faculty "microaggression" seminar at the University of California.
New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime July 2, 2015 Numbers finally include Hispanics as an offender category.
The Shameful Liberal Exploitation of the Charleston Massacre July 1, 2015 Hysteria about "black lives" should not be directed against whites.
The New Nationwide Crime Wave June 1, 2015 The "Ferguson effect"--enforcement slowdown--has spread across the country.
Holder’s Damaging ‘Disparate Impact’ Gambit March 5, 2015 Should police stop enforcing laws that blacks are more likely to break?
Finding Meaning in Ferguson December 3, 2014 New York Times: Police see black men as "not quite human beings."
Discipline Disparities April 3, 2014 It's foolish to think that people who are criminals outside of school would be models of behavior in class.
A Devastating Affirmative-Action Failure August 26, 2013 The Los Angeles Times reports black student's struggle at UC Berkeley.
Why Hispanics Don’t Vote for Republicans November 8, 2012 Heather Mac Donald points out that Hispanics believe in "core Democratic principles."
Less Academics, More Narcissism July 25, 2011 University of California "diversity" programs thrive amidst fiscal austerity.
Windy City Silence: The Truth Behind the City’s Youth-Crime Spree Remains Unspoken October 4, 2010 Lack of fathers causes black youth violence.
Misfire August 10, 2010 When off-duty black cops are shot by other cops, it's because they are behaving like criminals.