Obama to Blacks: Vote Like I’m on the Ballot October 28, 2010 Working with Al Sharpton to get out the black vote.
Audit Finds Sharpton’s Nonprofit on Brink September 7, 2010 His National Action Network stiffs hotels, landlords, and misuses funds.
Education Secretary Urged His Employees to Attend Sharpton’s Rally August 31, 2010 Education Department employees "invited" to take sides.
Ed Dept, Civil Rights Leaders Discuss Reform July 27, 2010 They think money will close the racial achievement gap.
The True Face of Campus Progress: A Report from the Conference July 15, 2010 It was just as bad as you would imagine.
Black Political Leaders to Recapture 08 Momentum July 9, 2010 Next week's NAACP convention to close "enthusiasm gap"?
Sharpton to NNPA: Corporations ‘Owe’ Ad Dollars to Black Newspapers June 25, 2010 The federal government owes them advertising dollars, too.
Mike Cox Tweets About Al Sharpton May 21, 2010 Sharpton: "There has never been a history of me inciting any problems anywhere."
Many Blacks Split with Civil Rights Leaders on Immigration May 13, 2010 Many blacks strongly oppose illegal immigration.
AZ Debate Shows Low Profile of Latino Leadership May 7, 2010 Hispanics don't yet have an Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.
Black Group: ‘Obama Not Interested in Enforcing Immigration Laws’ May 3, 2010 Supports Arizona law, denounces blacks who oppose it.
Amnesty Forces Outraged by Tough Arizona Law April 27, 2010 Fury mounts over Arizona's attempt to enforce the law.
Democrats Lead Calls to Boycott Arizona Over Immigration Bill April 27, 2010 Truck drivers threatening to stop deliveries to state.
Ex-Mentor: Sharpton is Obama’s Link to the Streets April 19, 2010 Because Rev. Al has access "to both the streets and the suites."
Al Sharpton Hosts National Convention to Address Racial Inequality April 15, 2010 Race hustler hits the big time.
A Delicate Balancing Act for the Black Agenda March 19, 2010 Black leaders: "Barack Obama is ignoring the black community."
Black Leaders’ Support May Buy Time for Paterson March 5, 2010 Imagine whites rallying to an embattled white governor for racial reasons.
Why Obama Should Reconcile With Rev. Jesse Jackson February 24, 2010 Jesse Jackson deserves more respect from the president.
Black Leaders Meet With Obama on Economy February 11, 2010 The President gets a nudge from the brothers.
Blacks Urge Effort to Improve Census Count December 17, 2009 Sharpton: "We want what is ours." And what is ours, too.
Times Square Street Peddler Fatally Shot by Police December 16, 2009 New York City mourns talented youth.
Popular Restaurant Went From Hot Water to Grant Bonanza December 8, 2009 Black "community institution" refuses to pay sales tax but gets $144,000 grant from city.
Cops: Sharpton Daughter Said She Was in Rush December 2, 2009 She and her mother taken away in cuffs. We'll see what happens next.
Tiger Woods and His Interracial Marriage: Does Race Make This Risky? December 2, 2009 Black blogger says whites wouldn't care if Tiger Woods had been cheating on a black wife.
Conservatives Say It’s Their Turn for Empowerment September 17, 2009 It is "racism" or is it just politics?
Akron Attack Victims Frustrated With Police Response July 23, 2009 Attacks on whites an annual occurrence in Ohio city.
Jesse Jackson’s Bizarre Political Advice July 21, 2009 Jesse Jackson says Obama needs to spend more time with Jesse Jackson.
FBI Asked to Investigate Attack on White Family Near Firestone Park July 14, 2009 Sharpton supports investigation; slips in racial slur while he's at it.
African Immigrants, Affirmative Action, and Harvard University June 22, 2009 Most beneficiaries of racial preferences are not the descendants of American slaves.
Sharpton Seeks Help in Ariz. Sheriff’s Abuse Probe June 22, 2009 Arpaio tries to "educate" Al Sharpton on racial profiling.
Al Sharpton Emerges As Obama Ally June 3, 2009 Sharpton "embraced" by Education Department as reward for campaign support.
Feds Hit Rev. Al with Record 285G Elex Fine April 20, 2009 At one point had $500,000 in campaign expenses on his AmEx card.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Letter to Al Sharpton April 17, 2009 Sheriff Joe to Rev. Al: I do not answer to a "publicity hound outside interloper" like you.
The Rev. Al Sharpton Is the New Sheriff Politics Needs April 2, 2009 Sharpton "a national powerbroker with A-list access to the Oval Office."
Rev. Al’s Half-Price Deal on $1.8m Taxes March 30, 2009 IRS goes easy on Al Sharpton's tax chiseling.
Steele Pledges to Fight for Black Vote March 2, 2009 RNC chairman says GOP has ignored blacks for too long.
Chris Rock Doc Tackles Race and Perceptions of Beauty January 22, 2009 The biggest black industry isn't rap.
Local Papers Report More Anti-Obama Incidents From Maine to California (Updated) November 17, 2008 Not everyone happy about Obama election.
Obama’s In, But Struggle Not Over November 6, 2008 Electing Obama "doesn't make all that [racism] go away."
Racial Profiling: The Myth that Never Dies October 29, 2008 Study accusing LAPD of racial profiling missing crucial information.
Black Republicans & Obama: Torn Between Party and Race August 18, 2008 Voting for Obama is being "on the right side of history."
The End of Identity Politics? Not Likely August 14, 2008 Black woman tells what it will really be like.
Report: Black U.S. AIDS Rates Rival Some African Nations July 29, 2008 "AIDS in America today is a black disease."
Obama Win Not to Supplant Civil Rights Campaign July 29, 2008 Black demands won’t end with Obama win—not by a long shot.
Mexican Comic-Book Character Called Racist July 10, 2008 Aspects of Mexican culture do not play well in 2008 America.
It’s Not Race, It’s Arugula June 17, 2008 Obama’s weakness is not that he’s black, but that he’s an elitist.
Educators See Civil Rights Issue in Bad Schools June 13, 2008 Racial achievement gap "nation’s most pressing civil rights issue."
Obama: US President or World President? June 12, 2008 Africans may be expecting too much from an Obama presidency.
Rev. Al Sharpton: Let’s Talk About Violence in Black Neighborhoods June 3, 2008 Sharpton: Black-on-black crime as much an outrage as police brutality.
Is Worse Better? Some Surprising White Support for Obama May 6, 2008 Why some white nationalists prefer Obama to McCain.
Asians Put Foot in Racial Spoils Trough April 15, 2008 And make fools of the presidential candidates to boot.
The Obama Bargain March 20, 2008 Barack Obama not all that different from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Why Do Only Whites Lose Jobs Over Racial Remarks? February 14, 2008 Perhaps there will come a day when whites will start pushing back.