Posted on January 17, 2024

Denver Public Schools Sent “Black Excellence” Pledge to Staff Promoting Black Lives Matter Movement

Parents Defending Education, January 12, 2024

On January 11, 2024, the organization End Wokeness reported on X that there was an internal memo shared to staff at Denver Public Schools called the “DPS Belief in and Commitment to Black Excellence.” This pledge claims that “institutional racism exists in Denver Public Schools, and at all levels.” Because of this, the pledge states:

All educators need to deeply understand white supremacy, white privilege, and deep harm “whiteness” brings to students and team members.

As a result, the district will “require conversations about racism and white supremacy culture and train school leaders and ILTs to lead these conversations.” The pledge also shows support for the “Black Lives Matter” movement. The pledge explains that the district will change the curricula taught to students to implement this ideology: “Continue to engage in equity based revisions to our core curricula.” {snip}


The pledge then quotes known political activist Robin DiAngelo: “It is not if you are racist, but how you are racist.” The pledge adds: “We all perpetuate racist ideologies, policies and practices in some way and must work tirelessly in our efforts to be anti-racist.
