Posted on May 11, 2023

Where Is the Outrage When Black Men Commit Racist Killings Against White People?

Christopher Tremoglie, Washington Examiner, May 10, 2023

How many white people must die due to racism before the media and Democratic presidents and politicians start discussing them? After the incidents of the last few weeks, it’s an important question that needs answers. And it’s a recurring omission that we should all be tired of happening at this point.

You’ve probably heard of Jordan Neely. He was the black man who died on May 1 in New York City after Daniel Penny, a former Marine, placed him in a chokehold after Neely harassed and threatened passengers. The case is under investigation, and people still do not know all the details of the incident, yet Neely was already considered a victim of racism. {snip}

Conversely, have you heard of Lundin Hathcock? How about James McDaniel? They were two people shot to death in Tulsa, Oklahoma, last week. Have you heard of the killer, Carlton Gilford? I would guess that most people haven’t heard about any of them. But Gilford was the black man who shot both white people on April 18. Tulsa police charged him with two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of shooting with intent to kill, and one count of malicious intimidation or harassment — Oklahoma’s version of a hate crime charge.


Furthermore, as people have tried to shape Neely’s death as a hate crime, Hathcock and McDaniel’s deaths were actual hate crimes. Yet those who parade around pretending to be outraged about racism do not care when the victims are white. {snip}
