College Students Turn More Liberal, OK Speech Death Penalty
Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner, November 3, 2022
Calls for diversity on campuses and in Main Street businesses and banning hate speech, even that protected by the First Amendment , are no longer issues to fight over for college students.
Now, it’s a reason for the electric chair .
In a remarkable shift showing how students, many lining up for President Joe Biden’s loan forgiveness plan, have turned left since the 2020 election, a new Yale survey suggests that America’s best and brightest are giving up on key constitutional freedoms and even embracing socialism.
In the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale University national student survey, conducted by McLaughlin & Associates and provided to Secrets, big majorities want companies to require employees to declare support for workplace diversity just to get a job.
While the results might please left-leaning college professors, it is stirring concerns for those on the Right who already feel that the Left is turning every position it has into a “hate crime,” from abortion to immigration.
Some examples:
- 67% demand professors and companies declare a commitment to “diversity.”
- 48% are OK with the death penalty to punish those accused of hate speech.
- 51% agree that colleges can bar some issues from being discussed.
{snip} The survey said that more students than ever feel too intimidated to challenge the positions of professors or fellow students.