Posted on July 15, 2019

Army War College Surrenders

Scott Johnson, Powerline, July 12, 2019

Raymond Ibrahim is the author, most recently, of Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War Between Islam and the West, published last year with a foreword by Victor Davis Hanson. {snip}

Ibrahim had planned to lecture on his book at the Army War College on June 19. In a new installment of an old story, however, his lecture was canceled due to “CAIR-induced hysteria” presenting him — a native Arabic speaker of Egyptian/Middle Eastern descent — as a “racist” and “white nationalist” who is out to incite American soldiers to murder Muslims.

Ibrahim gives a first-person account of the events leading to his cancellation in “Terrorism-Linked CAIR Forces U.S. Army War College to Capitulate on Raymond Ibrahim’s Islam Lecture.” {snip}

Quotable quote: “{snip} If an ethnic Egyptian and native speaker of Arabic, with verifiable credentials, whose extended relatives continue to be persecuted because they are Christian, can be characterized by Islamist groups with terror links as a ‘racist’ and ‘white nationalist’; and if, of all places, the U.S. Army War College, as opposed to the average ‘liberal’ college, can so easily capitulate to such patently deceptive tactics — the true motives of which are to keep the actual and troubling history between Islam and the West concealed from the military — know that the hour is late indeed.”
