Florida Bill Would Prevent Local Governments from Removing Confederate Statues
Kevin Robinson, Pensacola News Journal, December 30, 2018
Florida House District 1 Rep. Mike Hill has filed a bill that would make it illegal to remove a public monument for any reason other than repairs or relocation to an equally prominent place.
The proposed bill, the “Soldiers’ and Heroes’ Monuments and Memorials Protection Act,” would protect all “remembrances” built on public property on or after March 22, 1822.
The most obvious impact of the legislation is that it would prohibit Florida communities from tearing down Confederate monuments.
“It will not change any person’s life today by tearing down a Confederate monument or tearing down a statue or tearing down a cross,” Hill told the New Times. “It will not change any person’s life by doing that. What it will do is prevent someone from learning the history of why it was there in the first place.”
Some communities that have similar laws protecting Confederate monuments have circumvented those laws by selling the land around them and allowing the new owner to destroy or remove the remembrance.
Hill’s bill dictates that if a public property bearing a monument is sold, the monument must be relocated to a location of “equal prominence.”
Under the bill, damaging or defacing a remembrance would be a third-degree felony.
Referencing a statute of abolitionist Frederick Douglass that was vandalized in New York, Hill told the New Times that his bill would protect all Florida’s remembrances, not just those honoring the Confederacy.

Florida State Rep. Mike Hill
Hill was first elected to the Florida House in 2013 to represent District 2, becoming the only black Republican in the state Legislature at the time. {snip}
While campaigning for the District 1 seat, Hill filmed a video in front of the Confederate monument in Lee Square advocating to have Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star installed in Pensacola.
During the primary, Hill was condemned by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Floridafor making comments about his political opponent that were deemed “deceitful” and “sexist.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center reports 10 Florida Confederate symbols and 113 symbols total have been removed since 2015 — a wave sparked when a white supremacist gunned down nine parishioners of a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.