Posted on May 2, 2018

95% of IT “Engineers” in India Incapable, New Report Reveals

New Observer, April 28, 2018

A new report by Aspiring Minds, {snip} titled “National Programming Skills Report,” only 4.77 percent of Indian IT engineers can write the correct logic for a program — a minimum requirement for any programming job.


Over 36,000 engineering students from IT related branches of over 500 colleges took a test developed by Aspiring Minds called Automata, which is the world’s smartest programming assessment that evaluates coding ability of candidates. Using simulated environment for C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, Python, SQL and over a dozen languages, Automata is the only tool to leverage advanced Machine Learning technology to evaluate code.

According to the report’s executive summary:

* Only 1.4 percent of Indian IT engineers can write functionally correct & efficient code.

* More than 60 percent of candidates cannot even write code that compiles.

* Only 4.77 percent candidates can write the correct logic for a program, a minimum requirement for any programming job.

* Programming skills is five times poorer for third tier colleges as compared to tier 1 colleges.

The key findings of the study are listed as follows:

– “{snip} Unfortunately, we find that out of the 2 problems given per candidate, only 14% engineers are able to write compilable codes for both and only 22% write compilable code for exactly one problem. {snip}”

– “Lack of adequate knowledge to build a logically correct, maintainable code is the key reason for low employability.

– “As low as 2.21% engineers possess the skill to write a fully functional code with best efficiency and writing practices. {snip} The analysis unveils that only 2.21% engineers possess the skillset to write logically correct code with best efficiency & least time-space complexity.”


The report also found that although Indian males perform terribly at IT skills, Indian females were even worse. Under the section of the report titled “Programming Skill Gender Comparison,” the following summary is found:

“[Skill level] A4: Functionally and logically correct code: Male 3.16 %; Female  0.71%”

“[Skill level] A3: Functionally correct code with few anomalies: Male 3.48%; Female 1.10%”

“[Skill level] A2: Functionally incorrect code: Male 36.15%; Female 22.93%”

“[Skill level] A1: Syntax Error: Male 57.21%, Female 75.25%.”

The report concludes that “Only 25% of [Indian] females are able to write a compilable code and less than 1% can write logically & functionally correct code.”

The report undermines the oft-repeated claim in the controlled media that India is an “IT giant” and that engineers from that country are urgently needed to “boost the skill sets of Europe and America.”

[Editor’s Note: Several charts accompany the original story.]