Posted on March 16, 2018

Illegal Voting in Pennsylvania Congressional Race

Rick Oltman, USInc., March 15, 2018

Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District had a special election Tuesday to fill a recently vacated seat until the November election.

As of this writing, the vote is so close that neither candidate has been declared the winner by the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. But one thing we can reasonably surmise is that there were illegal votes cast in that election, and enough to determine the outcome.

The district, in western Pennsylvania, currently includes parts of Greene, Washington, Westmoreland, and Allegheny Counties.

The Center for Immigration Studies’ map of sanctuary cities, counties, and states lists Westmoreland County as a sanctuary county, which almost guarantees that illegal aliens have been registered to vote.

  1. Christian Adams, President of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), presented research and information on illegal voting by noncitizens at the September, 2017 Social Contract Writers’ Workshop in Washington, D.C., and recently filed a lawsuit against the state of Pennsylvania that notes:

A Philadelphia official added before the Assembly that early figures of noncitizen PennDOT customers and registered voters revealed more than 100,000 current matches.

That’s 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania that their Department of Transportation knows about.

The PILF lawsuit has exhibits that show noncitizens were registered to vote. Exhibit 4 shows Monroeville resident Devanathan Sundaramu Mudaliar’s voter registration was cancelled because of noncitizen status. Monroeville is a suburb of Pittsburgh in Allegheny County that had a 15,000 vote disparity between the two candidates. And we know that Pittsburgh’s Mayor William Paduto has said, “Immigrants and refugees are welcome here, and we will do everything within our power to protect them and all our residents.” All of which is code for welcoming and not enforcing the law against illegal aliens. Of course, it is reasonable to expect that this attitude has bled over into the suburbs of Pittsburgh that are in the 18th Congressional District.
