Posted on November 13, 2024

The X Files: Guess Who’s Back?

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, November 13, 2024

President Donald Trump is back. Barring catastrophe, the 45th president of the United States will be the 47th, and this time, he has a mandate. Many progressives were confident Kamala Harris would cruise to victory and end the MAGA movement once and for all. After their defeat, they know whom to blame — white people.

Black churches are lucky non-profit law does not seem to apply to them.

The National Black Justice Coalition knows what went wrong.

MSNBC was especially animated:

Joy Reid says she is giving up on America and will now work only for blacks.

I don’t think any of us will notice a change.

The Daily Show, ostensibly a comedy program, is also urging more non-white identity politics.

Good luck with that.

Patrick Casey assembled some of the best “explanations” by leftists for Kamala Harris’s defeat.

Most demographic groups shifted towards President Trump, but black women stood by Kamala 92 percent to 8 percent. The mayor of Baltimore says:

He is right: We don’t deserve this.

Many liberals are upset that non-whites supported Mr. Trump in unexpected numbers.

Don Lemon has found an older video of Jared Taylor discussing Donald Trump. He does not find Mr. Taylor’s argument acceptable.

If common-sense so offends Mr. Lemon, it is hard to see what possible interests we could have in common.

White women are a special target for rage:

White women are smeared when they aren’t even involved.

There was much liberal hysteria.

At least one person thought it was a good idea to threaten Mr. Trump’s life publicly.

Countless more people agreed that the real message of the election was white racism.

This election showed that Americans can’t be cowed so easily by charges of racism. It was not a total victory for whites and President Donald Trump would never call it one. Yet, independent thinking and a willingness to spite the media are great reasons for hope.