Black Extremists Have Panic Attack After Experts Confirm Egyptian Queen Was White
Cillian Zeal, Conservative Tribune, February 7, 2018
Liberals claim to love science. Unless it contradicts them. In which case, it’s just plain racist/sexist/bigoted/mansplaining/whatever.
As presented on “Today”, the Travel Channel endeavored to put together a ”historic forensic reconstruction project” that would show what the legendary queen really looked like.
This is what the effort came up with, a woman who seemed to be of indeterminate race (indeed, race was much likely different back in 1350 BC or so). But there’s no denying any modern American would consider the woman white.
It didn’t take long for liberals to lose their fragile-eggshell politically correct minds, because why let facts get in the way of a narrative?
The black-oriented website TheGrio put it a little more cogently:
“This version of Nefertiti has skin that looks freshly tanned as opposed to a skin tone of someone born with sun kissed pigment in her DNA. The rosy pink lips are in a permanent pout and the hazel eyes shimmer under the studio lights.”
But the rage on Twitter was of the more foot-stomping variety.
Part of the issue goes back to a theory known as the “Black Egyptian hypothesis,” which states that Ancient Egypt was a majority black civilization ruled by black royalty.
While popular for some time among scholars, the Black Egyptian hypothesis has fallen out of favor as anachronistic, with many positing there’s simply not significant evidence for it and others noting that generally speaking, darkness of skin among Egyptians can be divided into the lighter skin of the upper Nile region — where most of Egyptian civilization was based — while those below the Sahara desert were characterized by darker skin.
This hasn’t stopped a lot of people — particularly social media racial philosophers — from treating the Black Egyptian hypothesis as the gospel truth. And if scholars disagree with them, well, they’re just whitewashing history.
There’s an interesting point to be made here, in that there were no shortage of sub-Saharan kingdoms in antiquity to draw strength from, if that’s what gets you through the night. Let’s just say none of those kingdoms has the cachet — or box-office appeal — of Ancient Egypt.
Still, the idea that we ought to go along with what appears to be an untruth because it makes people feel better about themselves is preposterous, to say the least.

Tut’s mom.