Bruce Willis Whitewashes Black Crime
Colin Flaherty, American Thinker, August 5, 2017
Not sure why Bruce Willis even bothered. If he wanted to do a whitewashed remake of the 1974 Charles Bronson movie Death Wish, he could have just strung together a batch of home security ads where white criminals terrorize hapless and helpless homeowners.
But reality is different than the trailer for this new movie.
This time, Bruce Willis plays the Paul Kersey character as a doctor who comes home to find his wife dead and daughter wounded, both victims of a home invasion robbery in Chicago.
The cops can’t do a thing, they say. So Bruce sets out to kill the killers. And a few others along the way. Since I do not have a hacked early edition of the movie, we are going to have to rely on the trailer, where the first four criminals we meet in Chicago are white.
Home invasions in Chicago are like home invasions in the rest of the country. They are a black thing. That is not to say there are no white home invaders, but like Eminem the rapper, the exception proves the rule.
And that is easy to see in any collection of recent news clips — many of which I document on my YouTube channel, where I even made a playlist out of them.
Some end fatally: In Miami a few days ago, a couple of young guys were hanging out at their home when five black people burst in with weapons, killing one.
Some end ridiculously, as was the recent case in Fort Worth where a group of black people woke a prominent attorney and his wife at 3 a.m. One of the fellas took the husband to various ATM’s to withdraw $4000 in cash, while the other held the wife hostage.
Before leaving, they discussed killing the power couple, but they decided to steal their car instead.
The following day, the wife told local TV news stations how much she wanted to talk to her recent home invaders, and certainly “did not want to ruin their lives” by putting them in prison. After all, she said, the criminals were just the victims of poverty.
And the whole black on white crime thing so wildly out of proportion? She didn’t mind, so it didn’t matter.
Some end ironically: Such was the case with my favorite black on rich white people story of home invasion and assault — and yes, I have long since come to terms with my schadenfreude over this case — that happened two years ago in Cincinnati at the home of federal judge Susan Dlott and her wealthy trial lawyer husband.
Judge Dlott became famous in the early 90’s when, as a Clinton appointee, she issued the first federal ruling outlawing racial profiling. She said white cops were picking on black people for no reason whatsoever. And that had to stop.
The case was cited in many future legal proceedings of the same ilk. The local paper said the “future of Cincinnati’s race relations was in her hands.”
That didn’t turn out too well. Not for the people of Cincinnati. Not for the judge and her husband.
The judge and her very rich and very liberal spouse were enjoying their Cincinnati mansion — the largest in town — when three black people burst in, demanding all kinds of money and other party favors.
While the fellas were preoccupied with beating the 79-year old husband and knocking him down the stairs, Judge Dlott escaped, running one mile through the woods to find a phone.
Today we are able to listen to her 911 call for help, where the first thing she said was that there were three black men in her house with guns.
Then she repeated it.
So much for the ban on profiling.
Some end in the most unexpected places: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, most recently. Erin Garringer and her friend were watching TV when three black people with guns burst into their home, beat her into unconsciousness, and robbed them.
And as I write this, police are searching the woods for four black people with guns on the run after a home invasion robbery in Hawthorne, outside of Jacksonville. Find both stories by clicking here.
Like Bruce, the local TV station in Cedar Rapids does not care enough about catching the criminals to tell us they are black. Or that black criminality is exploding in Iowa. Erin told us though, on her Facebook page.
Bruce Willis does not seem overly worried about whitewashing the black criminality in his new movie. Hard to say he does not know better. Bruce and I are not just the same age, we grew up a few miles apart, he in South Jersey, I across the Delaware River in Wilmington.
We even went to the same club, the Crescendo, where Bruce was a bit more popular with the lovely ladies than your humble correspondent.
But every person of that age in the area was reminded daily of the existence of black on white hostility and violence. Whether they found it in a newly integrated school. Or a next to a newly constructed community of Section 8 housing. Or at the local public swimming pool, Price’s Run, where in his autobiography, Joe Biden talked about the black on white violence there when he was a lifeguard.
Biden talked about it again, years later, at the national convention of the NAACP, even thanking the black person who “had his back” and saved him from racial violence.
Eli Roth, Death Wish’s director and script doctor, on the other hand, is a child of white privilege, whose father is a professor of psychiatry at Harvard and the mother is an artist of international renown.
Though they lived in white areas, socialized with white people and sent their children to white schools, they knew every other white person in America — except them — was guilty of white racism.
Junior Eli learned his lessons well.
Bruce and Eli might be trying to sell us this fairy tale of white criminality, but more and more people are more and more aware this departure from reality is just another chapter in the greatest lie of this generation: The hoax of black victimization.
Now that would be a good movie. Just ask Judge Dlott.