Posted on April 19, 2017

Wife Beater’s Delight: Authorities Shield Abusers to Protect Them From … Deportation

Monica Showalter, American Thinker, April 19, 2017

Have the sanctuary cities’ quest to shield everyone from deportation superseded every other claim on justice? That’s certainly the case in San Jose.

In a story with a buried lede, the Daily Beast reported the story of an Indian immigrant with a Silicon Valley startup who abused his high-profile executive wife, and finally got caught when she recorded his thuggery on her cellphone. As in the case of most abusers, it was one of a string of abuse events. The Beast focused on the wife’s fancy executive job and her gumption to record the beatings on her cellphone to preserve evidence as if that was the news of the story. What the publication should have focused on the justice crowd’s willingness to let the wife-beater escape justice on the grounds that he might get deported.

From the report:

The prosecutor in the case, Assistant District Attorney Steve Fein, described the plea deal to The Daily Beast as a fair outcome, noting that accessory after the fact is also a felony, though not a violent one that would place Gattani at risk of being deported back to his native India. Fein indicated that his boss, Santa Clara District Attorney Jeff Rosen, seeks to avoid such deportations.


When the prosecutor, Fein, emerged, he sat down with Rastogi. He indicated to her, and later confirmed to The Daily Beast, that his office was concerned about placing Gattani in danger of being deported.
