NOW SWEXIT? Swedish Far-Right Group SURGE to Second Most Popular Party in Latest Polls
Charlie Peat, Express, November 17, 2016
The Sweden Democrats (SD) have boomed in popularity in the past 12 months, with support rising to 22 per cent, just three per cent behind leading party Social Democrats.
It is the third month in a row the anti-EU party’s popularity rose, according the poll by local media.
SD leader, Jimmie Akesson, said: “There is a movement in both Europe and the United States where the establishment is being challenged.
“It is clearly happening here as well.”
Akesson hailed the success of Donald Trump and Brexit this year as the reason for a hike in anti-establishment popularity.
The right-wing surge is spreading across Europe as Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s National Front and Eurosceptic AfD, in Germany, make huge gains ahead of national elections next year.
Speaking about Trump’s impact, Le Pen said: “Donald Trump has made possible what was presented as completely impossible.
“So it’s a sign of hope for those who cannot bear wild globalisation. They cannot bear the political life led by the elites.”
Violent scenes erupted across Sweden earlier this month after neo-Nazi and anti-fascist protesters clashed in Stockholm.
Last week 600 neo-Nazis marched to the city’s Parliament but were met by anti-racism protestors as they charged through the Old Town in Sweden’s capital.
The counter-demonstrators began throwing eggs, stones, snowballs and flares at the police, who were preventing them from getting through to the right-wing march.
At least one police officer sustained injuries, while several people were taken away from the scenes in ambulances.