Chicago ‘Hits Back,’ Strips Trump of Honorary Street Designation
Fran Spielman, Chicago Sun-Times, October 25, 2016
Chicago aldermen on Tuesday hit Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump where it hurts–in his formidable ego–for using a spike in homicides and shootings to paint a “distorted caricature” of the city.
The City Council’s Transportation Committee unanimously agreed to strip Trump of a recognition he covets: “Trump Plaza,” the honorary designation for the east side of Wabash Avenue between Illinois Street and the Chicago River, outside the 96-story Trump International Hotel & Tower.
“We can actually use his own words against him: ‘When you hit us, we hit back,’ ” said Transportation Committee Chairman Anthony Beale (9th).
“You’ve hit Chicago numerous times. . . . When you hit Chicago, Chicago hits back.”
As for the honorary street designation, one of the Trump Plaza signs already has been stolen. So only one more needs to be removed. That will be done post-haste, if the full City Council approves the punishment, thanks to a so-called “pending passage” letter that Beale promised to sign.
Reilly said Trump no longer deserves the honor after making political hay at Chicago’s expense in a way that has damaged the city’s reputation on the global stage.
Trump’s decision to portray Chicago as a “war zone” that needs stop-and-frisk during the first presidential debate was the final straw.
“He was comparing us to a war-torn, third-world country. That was a set of comments that didn’t just insult me. It insulted anyone who loves this great city,” Reilly said.