Posted on May 9, 2016

Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, or Minority’-Only Positions

Virginia Hale, Breitbart, May 7, 2016


Creative Access–an organisation, registered as a charity, which offers placements at “many of the UK’s top media organisations”–has listed a number of BBC placements on its website, demanding applicants are only from “Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds”.

The website’s list of opportunities shows that all but four of the positions currently available are for jobs at the publicly-funded BBC, and Creative Access is funded by the British tax payer despite its charity status.


The website lists its main sources of funding, naming the quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation ‘UK Commission for Employment & Skills’ and the UK government’s Department for Business, Innovation & Skills.

The other organisation named alongside the government departments is Creative Skillset, which has received millions of pounds of “investment” from the Scottish Parliament.


Giving evidence to the British Parliament’s Culture, Media and Sports committee, Creative Access said the 2011 riots were the “tipping point” for the organisation’s creation, as “watching hours of white middle class commentators failing to explain the confusion and chaos on our streets offered little insight to the viewer; and embarrassment to the media industry.”

Creative Access’ implication that non-white minorities have a better understanding of the riots–which generated looting, arson, the mass deployment of police, and resulted in the deaths of five people–would normally be described as inherently “racist”.


A quote from one of the scheme’s graduates reveals the fact that there are no similar opportunities to which white people can apply. In a video appearing on Creative Access’ website Shoaib Rokadiya says, “Had I not got this internship I think I’d be trying to slug it out within a very competitive and sort of undernourished and underpaid journalism industry.”
