Posted on June 11, 2014

Cantor Loses by 11 Million Voters

Ann Coulter, June 11, 2014

Economics professor Dave Brat crushed House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the Republican primary Tuesday night, in a campaign that was mostly about Cantor’s supporting amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens.

This marks the first time a U.S. House majority leader has ever lost a primary election.

His crushing defeat reinforces a central point: Whenever the voters know an election is about immigration, they will always vote against more immigration–especially amnesty.

Cantor spent more than $5 million on his campaign. Brat spent less than $150,000. But Brat made the election about Cantor’s support for amnesty, so he won.

The pro-amnesty crowd–i.e., everyone except the American people–promptly lost its collective mind. The amnesty shills went on the attack, insisting that Cantor’s historic defeat had nothing to do amnesty. Brat’s triumph was touted as simply a victory for the “tea party.”

Of course, these are the same people who also try to persuade us that amnesty isn’t “amnesty,” illegal aliens aren’t “illegal aliens” (they’re “undocumented workers”!), and that there are 30 million jobs Americans won’t do at any price.

In fact, however, the tea party had nothing to do with Brat’s victory. Only the small, local tea party groups stand for anything anymore, but they’re as different from the media-recognized “tea party” as lay Catholics are from the Catholic bishops.

National tea party groups did not contribute dime one to Brat. Not Freedom Works, not Club for Growth, not the Tea Party Express, not Tea Party Patriots. They were too busy denouncing Sen. Mitch McConnell–who has consistently voted against amnesty.


The Tea Party Express, for example, “represents” the views of ordinary Americans by supporting Chamber of Commerce demands for cheap labor through amnesty.


Nonetheless, the claim that Brat’s victory was a win for the tea party is everywhere–pushed with suspicious insistence by people who do not usually wish the Republican Party well. Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schulz, for example, said: “Tonight’s result in Virginia settles the debate once and for all–the tea party has taken control of the Republican Party. Period.”

Liberals apparently want Brat’s victory to be seen as a win for the tea party, and not a defeat for amnesty.

At least acknowledging the obvious–Brat’s victory was about amnesty–New York’s Sen. Chuck Schumer said: “Cantor’s defeat does not change the fundamental fact that Republicans will become a minority party if they don’t address our broken immigration system.”

And if anyone has the Republican Party’s best interests at heart, it’s gotta be Chuck Schumer!

Is Schumer’s harangue enough to convince the bubbleheads in the GOP to say: Let’s take it to the Democrats on this issue! They could start by asking Schumer: “How come we don’t get to have the same immigration policy that Israel does?”

I like Israel’s immigration policy: instant, unapologetic, unsentimental deportation of illegal aliens. Schumer obviously supports that policy, too. It’s one of many Israeli policies we might try here at home, if only Schumer would let us.

Could it be that Schumer cares more about the survival of Israel than he does about the survival of the Republican Party?


Cantor’s idiotic statements about amnesty lit up talk radio, were denounced daily on major websites such as, and were the dominant theme of Brat’s campaign, especially in the last few months. The influential became a one-man Eric Cantor Rapid Response Team on amnesty.

Brat didn’t just win; he walloped Cantor, 55.5 percent to 45.5 percent.
