Posted on August 2, 2013

NAACP Introduces “Trayvon’s Law” Legislative Response to Martin’s Killing

Yolance Kyles, All Hip Hop, July 31, 2013

{snip} Now, the nation’s oldest civil rights organization, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, is leading the charge to force legal changes across the country to hopefully help prevent another tragic situation like the death of Martin.

“The killing of Trayvon Martin is a heartbreaking tragedy, but his death must not be in vain. Trayvon’s Law will serve as the foundation for community advocates as they work to remove laws that contributed to his death and create new laws that with prevent future tragedies,” said NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Jealous in a statement.

Trayvon’s Law is a set of bills that will work to end racial profiling, repeal stand your ground laws, form effective civil complaint review boards to provide oversight of police misconduct, improve training for community watch groups, mandate law enforcement to collect data on homicide cases involving people of color, and address the “school to prison pipeline.”

The NAACP plans to push these bills at the local, state, and federal levels. {snip}
