Obama Offers Hurricane Amnesty
Judicial Watch, November 5, 2012
Capitalizing on any opportunity to grant illegal aliens amnesty, the Obama Administration is using the recent hurricane as an excuse to waive immigration laws, including for violators of student visas like the 9/11 hijackers.
While this outrageous storm amnesty has been ignored by the mainstream media, it’s very real and largely unprecedented. In an announcement posted by the Homeland Security agency that handles these matters, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Obama Administration says it “understands that a natural disaster can affect an individual’s ability to maintain a lawful immigration status.”
Therefore, USCIS reminds “customers” affected by Hurricane Sandy of certain “benefits or relief that may available to them.” Let’s take a look at what those are. Here’s a good one: “Expedited adjudication of off-campus employment authorization applications for F-1 students experiencing economic hardship.”
This would apply to foreign students like the al-Qaeda terrorists who trained as pilots in U.S. flight schools and purposely slammed commercial airplanes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon in 2001. All entered and lived in the U.S. with student visas and remained in the country even after they expired. One of the hijackers had enrolled — but never attended — a northern California language school.
Besides further shielding those egregious visa violators from deportation, Obama’s new Hurricane Sandy amnesty protects others. USCIS is also extending “nonimmigrant status” for individuals, even when the request is filed after the authorization period of admission has expired.” This rewards those who have blown off federal immigration laws.
This preposterous storm amnesty is simply the latest of several moves by the administration to help illegal immigrants who in some cases have violated U.S. law for decades. {snip}