‘Hate-Group’ Label Behind Shooting at FRC?
World Net Daily, August 15, 2012
Law enforcement officials in Washington have identified the man who shot a security guard at the Family Research Council early today as 28-year-old Floyd Corkins II, a volunteer at a “gay” and lesbian center in Washington, and have hinted that the motive may be linked to the FRC’s conservative Christian viewpoint regarding marriage and homosexuality.
According to a report from the Associated Press, a law enforcement official confirmed that the suspect made a “negative reference” about the FRC’s work before shooting and injuring guard Leo Johnson, who was hospitalized and in stable condition.
While no specific connections were confirmed by law enforcement authorities with the District of Columbia police and FBI, which responded to the case, the FRC had been vocal in recent days in its support of Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, whose company was attacked by homosexual advocacy organizations after he publicly stated his support for traditional marriage.
One WND columnist, however, said there’s enough evidence to begin demanding that pro-homosexual organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center stand down from their campaign of labeling organizations as “hate groups” simply because they adhere to the biblical perspective of marriage.
Columnist Matt Barber, who is affiliated with the Liberty Counsel Action advocacy organization, told WND he has predicted such violence would be inflicted on Christian organizations if left-leaning groups such as the SPLC continue to spread labels such as “hate group.”
“I want to formally call on the SPLC to retract its reckless hate-group smear of Christian organizations like the Family Research Council,” he said. “This was intended to dehumanize Christian organizations and smear as hate the biblical view of sexual morality.
He said the man who attacked today apparently had either referenced or had products in his possession from Chick-fil-A.