Posted on August 1, 2011

West Virginia Radio Station Rejects Political Ad for Candidate for Governor

American Renaissance, August 01, 2011

William Johnson is chairman of American Third Position, a political party that is pledged to support “elected representatives necessary to return our nation to its rightful owners.” American Third Position wanted to buy radio ads for its candidate for governor of West Virginia, Harry Bertram. On July 27, Chairman Johnson sent the following message to the West Virginia MetroNews radio network in Charleston, West Virginia.

From: William D. Johnson

Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 4:50 PM

To: Joe Parsons

Subject: RE: a3p spot attached

Here is the script:

Vote Harry Bertram for Governor, the American Third Position Candidate. The Democratic party and the Republican Party have both failed us. Corporations export our jobs overseas; America is insolvent. Multiculturalism and massive immigration are destroying America’s heritage. Reject the Republicans; reject the Democrats. Vote Harry Bertram for Governor because we must secure a future for White America and our children.

Paid for by William Johnson. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Thanks, William Johnson

Mr. Johnson got this reply:

From: Joe Parsons []

Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 6:48 AM

To: William D. Johnson

Subject: WV Governor’s Race

Mr. Johnson,

After reviewing your ad with our management team and counsel, we have decided to NOT accept the ad as it is written. If you would like to discuss the changes needed to make this ad acceptable, please feel free to call me.

Joe Parsons

VP & General Manager

MetroNews Radio and Television Networks

1111 Virginia Street East

Charleston, WV 25301

In a telephone call today, Mr. Parsons explained to Mr. Johnson that the ad was unacceptable because of the word “white.” If that one word were removed the station would be happy to broadcast the ad.